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@skrillex & @diplo - "Where Are Ü Now" with @justinbieber ( #fatking beatbox cover )

Can't wait for #skrillex to come back with #jackÜ ! See Ü soon @maddecent !

jackÜ #maddecent #justinbieber @owsla #owsla #dldk @dontletdaddyknow #dontletdaddyknow #sigmaproduction #djrevolution @djrevolutionhk #djr #DLDKhongkong #whereareÜnow

9 年多 前 1349 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

My Hong Kong Party Crew!快啲登記啦!可以最先得到消息之外,仲可以拿到紀念品!Let's go brothers!!!

9 年多 前 25 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Supporting @dontletdaddyknow fully with my HK crew! This picture means a lot me:

Jacky Fung - known this guy for not long really, but we've been to @tomorrowland together, we have same dreams, same view on things etc. I love hanging out with this guy a lot, he is I Consider one true talented, aka future bright light of Hong Kong! And that made him now my new DJ partner of my company @U3hk ! Big things coming soon! Please check out his works guys!

Joshua Z. Chan - THIS GUY! Known him and part of his crew for 10 years now! (Except Dave ...Read more

9 年多 前 73 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Supporting @dontletdaddyknow fully with my HK crew! This picture means a lot me:

@jfungremix - known this guy for not long really, but we've been to @tomorrowland together, we have same dreams, same view on things etc. I love hanging out with this guy a lot, he is I Consider one true talented, aka future bright light of Hong Kong! And that made him now my new DJ partner of my company @U3hk ! Big things coming soon! Please check out his works guys!

@mjymsbb - THIS GUY! Known him and part of his crew for 10 years now! (Except ...Read more

9 年多 前 1201 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

It's always sick to meet friends and get to know more strangers from different fields in parties! and of course, drinking is very important too! Haha!

Big up to my man @namkong , @chit_chak and @whoareinvited for inviting me to @cerruti1881 Fall/winter collection launch party! Ding wow! I think my fashion sense just levelled up again!

chitchat #whoareinvited #cerruti1881


Repost @jerkyk with @repostapp.

9 年多 前 1025 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

™ Surprise! 呢間 #MetalSteak 好靚好特別!要咩食物同點整都喺門口同師傅講,好似去食海鮮咁,係塊扒被煮之前你可以先同佢say個hi!??佢地啲可樂、芬達全部都係QQ迷你罐!仲有我第一次見嘅「罐頭白酒」添啊!餐廳佈置好靚!好急嘅時候如果咁岩無員工帶路話比你聽度門係邊嘅話... ???無事嘅~

Thanks @metalsteakhk & @moreprhk for the invitation! #moreprhk

9 年多 前 1325 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

其實已經第二次食!但楊枝甘露味就真係未試過!@toto_dessert 嘅 #流心果凍 真心好特別!外型QQ,味道好好,成件事勁新鮮!一啲都唔會過甜,亦唔會好飽!仲要係店長自家製架!食過嘅都會愛上!

今日朕嘅最強女學生 + @fatkingfansclub 會長 @double.kkk1003 生日,我咁好人就緊係特許俾佢偷食朕嘅愛食啦。就係咁,又多個人愛上咗,仲開始同朕爭食添... 真係得會長先會咁大膽 ? 見係你生日,我就免你死罪啦!?感覺我個胸襟闊咗幾公里啊!

FATKING #肥KING #hkbeatbox #beatbox教學 #HKBBA #hongkongbeatboxacademy

9 年多 前 1256 赞s  暂无评论  1 share


9 年多 前 13 赞s  暂无评论  4 shares

Another pleasant surprise after Sonny! This is my man Ummet Ozcan ! Last time Tomorrowland , now Dont Let Daddy Know ! 2 times within 4 months is never too much with this guy's set haha!

Make sure we meet again in BOOM the coming year ya? I will promise to teach you some real beatbox, and you teach me that doggy noise you did with Tiësto haha! Welcome to Hong Kong ?? mate!

Sigma Production DJ Revolution 電音起義 Don't Let Daddy Know Hong Kong

ummetozcan #dldk #dontletdaddyknow #sigmaproduction #djrevolution #djr #DLDKhongkong

9 年多 前 20 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

™ Another pleasant surprise after Sonny! This is my man @ummetozcan ! Last time @tomorrowland , now @dontletdaddyknow ! 2 times within 4 months is never too much with this guy's set haha! _ Make sure we meet again in BOOM the coming year ya? I will promise to teach you some real beatbox, and you teach me that doggy noise you did with @tiesto haha! Welcome to Hong Kong ?? mate! _

ummetozcan #dldk @dontletdaddyknow #dontletdaddyknow #sigmaproduction #djrevolution @djrevolutionhk #djr #DLDKhongkong

9 年多 前 1107 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares


Hong Kong Beatbox Artist


October 5, 2015
Hong Kong, Hong Kong