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gaelle gognau
Actor , Comedian , Author
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Book - Press Clipping

A press clipping about the book in CB News. You can see me in the right pic with the publisher !

over 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

French Cheese and Wine

 An old press clipping in U Magazine that I just found back while cleaning my macbook.   

over 15 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares

A two-months acting class with Eric Forestier


During May and June, I took a 9hrs per week acting  class with Eric Forestier who is a young French Director. From the start, I knew I was going to like the man's method cause he asked us to read three challenging books before the class begins: two novels -

from Dostoevsky

from Marguerite Duras - as well as a Lars Noren’s play. 

At the beginning of each class, two or three students had a casting trial and then different crews shot scenes extracted from one of the...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Sexy Jewelry !


Ok ok ok ...this is not arts related but this is still Inspiring, isn’t ladies?  

Here a review of my latest sexy jewelry acquisitions. A gorgeous big flower-shaped silver ring from Morocco with an amethyst and a real pearl as well as some other semi-precious stones. A very good bargain as I negotiated the prices together with three lamps in a nice furniture shop. I am so in love with ethnic jewelry...Wherever I travel, I always treat myself with a "jewelry souvenir".Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares

My book sold at Super Trendy Parisian Store "Colette"

Great news today, as I just learnt that "Rose 31 et autres nouvelles", the book which includes my short story "L'enveloppe rouge" is now sold at Colette. Rose 31 being actually the name of a perfume from the brand  "Lab" they sell it at a perfume stand. Glamorous !Colette has been for more than one decade the trendiest c...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares

Pina Bausch - Thank you

            This is a tribute to Pina Bausch who died last week. She was a major contributor to Contemporary Dance as well as Drama, combining them in a new art form : "Tanztheater". 


            When I discovered her work some times ago, I promised myself that I'll see all her shows. Unfortunately, I have seen only "Vollmond", two years in ago at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre.  It made me cry. It was so beautiful, so moving.

  As artists, as spectators, we all owe her a big thank you....Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Blame the cat

   I have this joke about my Boyfriend who offered me a cat cause I was constantly complaining that he worked too much and that I was lonely at home. And he promised he'll find a solution and... here's the cat.  I also used to say that my cat is useless - just another person at my place afraid of the vacuum cleaner. But I just realized that he actually loves me. I flew home from Paris yesterday and my cat seemed actually very pleased to see me. And so, in order to express his gratitude he gave me a nice set of two dead mouses and a big ...Read more

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares

Inspiring wedding


Being in Paris this year after five years spent full-time in Hong Kong  (I am currently doing an acting training at Cours Florent in Paris) means that I can spend more quality time with my friends back home. 

 Yesterday, I went to my friend Soraya's - who is  French born Algerian - traditional wedding. She was my BF when we were teenagers and used to bring me to such Arabic weddings but yesterday was really the first time I was so moved. The music, the dancing, the "youyous" (sounds made by woman...Read more

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares


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February 27, 2008