Jay FC
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Who wants to be in GalleriFOUR?

We're putting together GalleriFOUR over here at GHQ and that means of course that we need content. And that means contributions from you lot... As usual, our definition of creativity is as broad as it is long – illustration, photography, design (we still think it's art), architecture, sculpture, fine art, rough art, fashion design, film, cooking, thoughts, musings, ramblings... whatever...

Check out the contribution info and see past issues HERE.

We&...Read more

接近 17 年 前 0 赞s  6 评论s  0 shares

A Night With Chanel

Last Saturday, Galleri and friends were lucky enough to be invited to hold a private reception at the Chanel Mobile Art Container... Friends, family, contributors, artists, celebs and even some normal people showed up, enjoyed some inspiring and provocative art (for the most part) and hung out on what felt like a UFO landing station.

The AND posse was out in force on the night with Daniel Wu, Terence Yin, Andrew Lin, Lisa S, Michael Wong, Min Yoo, Drafus Chow, Simon Birch, Damon Howe, Liza Lebeda and of course Galleri honchos Jay ...Read more

接近 17 年 前 0 赞s  1 评论  0 shares

Galleri X Chanel

We're feeling pretty chipper here at GHQ after all our hard work seems to be paying off... As a result of what we're doing with Galleri Magazine, we've been invited to host a private reception at that wierd and wonderful Chanel Mobile Art Container thing on the roof of the old Star Ferry Car Park - designed by architect Zaha Hadid (the container - not the carpark)...

Anyways - we've been given the place to ourselves this coming Saturday night with some fancy F&B provided by a swanky hotel.. Very nice too... There&...Read more

接近 17 年 前 0 赞s  4 评论s  0 shares

GalleriTHREE - Gone to Print

We're feeling good here at Galleri Towers, since we just sent Galleri THREE to the printers this morning - right on schedule (almost).

It's another 148 page bumper celebration of all things creative in our fair city and we're all stoked at the way it's looking... This issue also marks the start of our official collaboration with Alive Not Dead, and features several ANDers - Sean K, Pat Lee, GraphicAirlines, Lucy Fung, Damon Howe and of course Galleri founders RedDog and ChinaStylus. Other artists in this ...Read more

接近 17 年 前 0 赞s  2 评论s  0 shares

Girls! Cars! Wanchai?

While most of the AND family were off having a great time at the Audiotraffic gig on Saturday night, the rest of us were holding up the traffic in Wanchai - doing a feature shoot for the next issue of Galleri magazine... A full-on collab between Galleri honchos ChinaStylus and RedDog, the feature was shot in and around the murky underbelly of darkest Wanchai, featuring models Cara G plus ANDers Lucy Fung and Damon Howe... Despite tough competition though, the star model of the night was definitely the immaculate, gleaming red 1965 Ford ...Read more

接近 17 年 前 0 赞s  5 评论s  0 shares

GalleriTWO Issue (Winter 2007)

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大约 17 年 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Artists Wanted

We're currently working on GalleriTHREE (due out at the end of March) and there's still a few pages open for some quality Hong Kong creativity... If you're interested in submitting work, or know someone that might, please spread the word and get in touch.. We're always looking for quality  illustrators, designers, photographers, fashion designers, sculptors, painters...

To see what we're all about and how to contribute, check us out here or go www.galleri.hk to do...Read more

大约 17 年 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Galleri Goes Digital

A big shout and a massive thank you to Patrick and the AND team for inviting us to be part of the network and for helping me out with all the technical stuff needed to get this thing happening.. We'll do our best to stay on top of it and keep you posted with what's happening in Galleri land..

In the meantime check out what we've been doing the last two issues and keep your eyes out for issue 3 - out sometime in the next couple of months.

And of course, keep those contributions coming in...


...Read more
大约 17 年 前 0 赞s  2 评论s  0 shares

GalleriONE Issue (Summer 2007)

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大约 17 年 前 0 赞s  3 评论s  0 shares



english, cantonese, mandarin
Hong Kong
January 22, 2008