Geoffrey Leow
摄影师/摄像师, 剪接师, 网络/多媒体设计师
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It is Saturday 24.01.2015 from Parit Buntar.

大约 10 年 前 51 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Good Morning everyone!

大约 10 年 前 44 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

This is some very basic guide about web motion with CSS coding tutorial on how it works. Check this out which it is very useful tutorial for those who very new in web CSS motion code.

I am so glad that i choose Shopify as my ecommerce platform for shopjedi. Once you have understand about their liquid code and how their themes design work, you can provide very good solution for your clients. Todays, Shopify are trusted by over 140,000 store owners. If you like to know more about Shopify, you are always welcome to contact me or visit us and get 30 days promote code from me for your 1st Shopify account. http://www.shopify.my/?ref=shopjedi

Little new life just begun. #sunflower #pallet #palletproject #geoffreyleow #life #green

大约 10 年 前 62 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Startup Weekend Georgetown is going to happen next week. Come and join us! #swgeorgetown15 #startup #startupweekend #design #tech #development #54hours #google #entrepreneurs #gurlstudio #dodomons

大约 10 年 前 72 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Dodomons Maker 01 | Learning • Doodling • Making. Get this at http://shop.dodomons.com #dodomons #dodomonsmakerbook #maker #electronic #kids

大约 10 年 前 56 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Our Dodomons Maker 01 can be purchase from online now. Check out shop.dodomons.com ... You can get it and doodle + crafting with electronic with your kids at home! #dodomons #dodomonsmakerbook #maker #doodle #electronic

大约 10 年 前 109 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Startup Weekend Georgetown 2015 - 16th to 18th January at Hang Chiang college.

It is good for you if you want build new startup, understand about startup and entrepreneur. Check it out and hope to see you there!

Hehe... this is most photographer don't like to here from their customer. So take note of this and try not to say those to your photographer! :)



October 6, 2007