Being one of the main courses provided in the dinner time, the dolly fish is grilled to be perfect and taste very nice too. #seafood #fish #dollyfish #theritzcarltonclub #macau #macaufood #chinesecuisine #galaxymacau #澳門 #RitzCarltonHotels #RCExperience Check this out for KC's adventure in The Ritz Carlton Macau ?? #KCinRitzCarltonMacau
More food recommendations by KC in Macau ?? #kcinmacau Camera and lens: #Sony #SonyA7M2
Stunning view of Galaxy Macau from the room. #galaxymacau #luxuryhotel #cotai #macau #macaufood #chinesecuisine #galaxymacau #澳門 #RitzCarltonHotels #RCExperience #kcphotogallery Check this out for KC's adventure in The Ritz Carlton Macau ?? #KCinRitzCarltonMacau
More food recommendations by KC in Macau ?? #kcinmacau Camera and lens: #Sony #SonyA7M2
This is one of my most favourite pig ears salad in Macau. Pig ears are sliced after light grill and both crunchy and tasty. #pigearsalad #potugesecuisine #appetizer #豬耳 #豬耳沙律 #陸軍俱樂部
Lovely "broken eggs" which perfectly absorb and blend in the taste of curry sauce. #colone #路環 #橋記 #牛腩 #macau #macaufood #chinesecuisine #localfood #charchantang #茶餐廰 #macao #澳門 #澳門美食 #濠江美食 More food recommendations by KC in Macau ?? #kcinmacau Camera and lens: #Sony #SonyA7M2
Love the walnut and stick rice donut most in the dessert platter. #donut #核桃 #桃仁甜板 #dessert #sweet #yunyan #雲陽
With the unexpected closure of Chui Yuen Kee (again) and luckily we can catch a chicken filet bun here. #colone #路環 #橋記 #雞扒 #macau #macaufood #chinesecuisine #localfood #charchantang #茶餐廰 #macao #澳門 #澳門美食 #濠江美食 More food recommendations by KC in Macau ?? #kcinmacau Camera and lens: #Sony #SonyA7M2
Perfect lantern beef and one of the signature dishes that nobody should miss. #lanternbeef #beef #sichuanfood #雲陽 #牛肉 #燈影牛肉 #四川菜
Tenderloin that's perfectly grilled to medium-rare. #grandhyatt #grandhyattsteakhouse #beef #tenderloin #grilled #牛柳
獅子石,來過廿幾三十次。但晚上來,還是頭一趟。 如果覺得什麼地方的夜景美,應該看看這一個。香港夜景,真的迷人。萬家燈火,靚到核爆。 其實最靚嘅風景,一直喺我地身邊!
The panna cotta is nicely plated and truly my favorite of the afternoon tea set. #pannacotta #teaset #hightea #afternoontea #RitzCarlton #rcmemories #ritzcarltonmacau #dessert #sweet #macau #macaufood #chinesecuisine #galaxymacau #澳門 Check this out for KC's adventure in The Ritz Carlton Macau ?? #KCinRitzCarltonMacau
More food recommendations by KC in Macau ?? #kcinmacau Camera and lens: #Sony #SonyA7M2