Dan Meyer
Animal Trainer/Handler , Editor (Film) , Producer , Stuntperson , Composer , Musician , Sound Engineer , Street / Graffiti Artist
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Now this is competition with PASSION! Competitive Foursome: "Wettstreit zu viert" https://www.youtube.com/embed/BKezUd_xw20?rel=0

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OMG (Oh, My Goat!) This'll get your goat!

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Talk about being in sync with your pet... These two are incredible!

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When this 12-year-old died, her parents found something incredible behind her mirror...

Wow! This orangutan is a better performer than a lot of humans I've seen! Now this is FUNNY! :)

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Kaylee Folta, wanna ride THIS ride?

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OMG! Impossible? Wow!

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Who remembers "Joy of Painting" artist Bob Ross? Awesome remix!

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Wow! Mozart rap!?

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I swallow swords, eat fire, and inspire others to do the impossible in THEIR lives. My purpose is to help others find THEIRS; What's YOURS?

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Location (City, Country)
Tampa, Fl
Member Since
August 22, 2014