最喜歡拍東西!Day day 拍都沒所謂。 Love today’s crew!!! ? ?#齊齊follow陳奐仁 #followme #speaker #headphones #audio #best… https://t.co/FQkakTAH2g
今晚記得看 #teamhanjin #決戰好聲 8pm @starhub Hub E City+ 8:30pm @astromalaysia AEC
今晚10:30pm 翡翠台 唱#你最美麗 ? https://t.co/SErGZbvNSG https://t.co/Eg6OmWmPde
靚相!@thevoice @thevoicesgmy Keep it coming ?????? ?#關注陳奐仁facebbok及instagram
靚相!thevoice thevoicesgmy Keep it coming ?????? ?#關注陳奐仁facebbok及instagram
WTF????? No helmet? Slippers? In hk? In cross-harbour tunnel?
Cut the queue at #hkairport ???
Check him out! The biggest discovery in the music industry this year! And he is in my team! #teamhanjin @thevoic…… https://t.co/zbLvSJuqdz
......loves the children of the world! ..... step step step ?#關注陳奐仁facebbok及instagram #followme #follow4follow… https://t.co/VN2udPPV81
awarding winning actor and musician