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【#CineFan】《雪花高離奇命案》、《辣手神探奪命鎗》 ??FARGO and DIRTY HARRY

現實的謀財害命比離奇命案更離奇,政治的不擇手段比辣手神探更辣手。在現今世界,我們或許更需要像 #法蘭絲麥杜曼 般的警長,睿智沉着將冷血歹徒繩之以法;或如 #奇連伊士活 般的神探,剽悍勇猛將喪心病狂者置諸死地,讓公義彰顯,大快人心。 ?️在6月17日的座談會,影評人李焯桃及馮嘉琪談到警匪片類型變化多端,除以警察或歹徒為主線外,亦有孖警對碰(如《#月黑風高殺人夜》)、火爆勇探不按常規(如《#辣手神探奪命鎗》)、兵賊惺惺相惜(如《#喋血雙雄》)等常見類型;《#雪花高離奇命案》突出懷孕女幹探的幹練,更是破格之作。

When reality is stranger than “true story” and dirtier than Dirty Harry, we can only find our hero and justice in the world of films – #FrancisMcDormand, the cool-headed pregnant sheriff who is tenacious in hunting down the kidnappers, or #ClintEas...Read more

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?不要錯過今天在香港藝術中心放映的《第七封印》和《面對面》,前者是最後一場啦~ 電影節節目總監王志輝接受《經濟日報》訪問時表示今次 #CineFan 的英瑪褒曼回顧展「選片不是按時序,反而是希望同時間看到褒曼作品關注的不同主題。」被視為入門之選的《第七封印》和《野草莓》「正代表了褒曼電影關注的哲學宗教,以及婚姻家庭兩大門路。」

??Today at Arts Centre?? ?‍?‍?‍?2 pm - MY NEIGHBORS THE YAMADAS ?5 pm - THE SEVENTH SEAL ?7 pm - FACE TO FACE

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【#CineFan】名導看《第七封印》 THE SEVENTH SEAL in the Eyes of Filmmakers

?#伊力盧馬:「史上最美的電影之一。」 ?#保羅韋浩雲:「此片讓我明白電影可以是藝術,啟發我成為導演。這是史上其中一部最震撼、最重要的電影。」 ?#活地亞倫:「結尾一幕,死神之舞引領劫數難逃的人走向幽冥之地,是所有電影中最難忘的場面之一。」 今年14/7 是 #英瑪褒曼 百歲冥壽,切勿錯過 Cine Fan 明天第二場放映,向大師致敬。

?Eric Rohmer: "One of the most beautiful films ever." ?Paul Verhoeven: "It made me realize that films can be art. It inspired me to become a film director. This is one of the most powerful and significant films ever made." ?Woody Allen: “The finale, as Death dances off with all the doomed people to the n...Read more

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【#CineFan】英瑪褒曼:《第七封印》、《面對面》 Bergman: THE SEVENTH SEAL and FACE TO FACE

「電影是夢,是音樂。沒藝術能有如電影般超越意識,直達感覺,潛進靈魂的黑暗密室。」對死亡的恐懼、對上帝的質疑、對感情的愛恨糾纏……數之不盡的心魔伺機突襲,#英瑪褒曼 一生以光影對峙,讓麥士馮西度的騎士挑戰死神,莉芙烏曼的心理分析師與夢魘和幻覺搏鬥,透過電影幻象的靈光,照亮潛藏的惶惑與焦慮。 "Film as dream, film as music. No art passes our conscience in the way film does, and goes directly to our feelings, deep down into the dark rooms of our souls." Through the tales of a knight confronting existential despair, and a psychiatrist face to face with the perfect stranger in herself, #Bergman mastered the negative forces and ha...Read more

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??好消息!美國影藝學院宣布,每年的 #火鳥大獎 得獎作品,將獲奧斯卡金像獎最佳紀錄片的報名資格。 ?今年在HKIFF42憑《逆權夫夫》贏得火鳥大獎的導演戶田光,就可以報名競逐下屆奧斯卡了~ ??想有機會入選奧斯卡?記住報名參加下屆火鳥大獎。8月20號開始接受報名!

??Shout out to emerging documentary filmmakers all over the world! #HKIFF is now on the The Academy's list of Documentary Feature Qualifying Festival. What does that mean? If you take home our Firebird Award of Documentary Competition, you will be eligible to submit for the #Oscars. ?Congratulations to director Toda Hikaru (Of Love and Law) who won the Firebird Award at HKIFF42 this year! ?️?️Spread the word and stay tuned f...Read more

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【#CineFan】高畑勳座談會 Seminar on Isao Takahata

個性率直,畫風不拘一格但絕不離地,#高畑勳 的幻術媲美《百變狸貓》。一生主導和參與創作近 40 部動畫,創新精神影響無數電影人。?7月1日 7:00 pm 於大館舉行座談會,高畑勳東映時期的合作顆夥伴 #月岡貞夫 與本地資深動畫師 #盧子英,為你剖析大師的獨特風格和非凡造詣。??粵語及日語主講,#免費入場。

?A seminar on #IsaoTakahata will be held on 1 July @7:00pm #TaiKwun after the screening of POM POKO. Tsukioka Sadao (Takahata’s long-time creative partner at Toei Animation) and veteran animator Neco Lo will discuss the master’s extraordinary artistic qualities. ?? #Free admission. Conducted in Cantonese and Japanese.

????今個long weekend Cine Fan有乜睇? ?...Read more

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《#明報》:「也再沒有導演有這樣膽識如此貼近演員的臉,貼近到你無法不去正視,可以穿透肉身和表象,直達靈魂深處不安,#褒曼 也變得愈來愈接近人的面孔,甚至只專注面孔。」 ✨#CineFan 六、七月節目選映的八部褒曼,只剩11場~ 不要錯過這次誕晨百年的慶祝活動 ????cinefan.com.hk

? #Bergman fans (who read Chinese ?), grab a #Mingpao today and check out our Bergman retrospective if you haven’t done so! ?? More info: cinefan.com.hk

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【#CineFan】英瑪褒曼:《魔笛》 Bergman: THE MAGIC FLUTE

十二歲邂逅,情定一生 ──《#魔笛》,是褒曼的至愛。畢生編導的劇場作品逾170部,自言和劇場是真正的婚姻,電影只不過是情人。今回愛妻和情婦同場,絕對是夢想成真。古老歌劇院裏拍攝現場機械製造的特異效果,電影裏對割鏡加頻密的蒙太奇,歌劇與電影完美結合,莫札特的神奇歷險,看得人心花怒放。

“#TheMagicFlute became my companion through life.” Watching Mozart’s opera when he was 12 years old, #Bergman has become a man of the theatre, directing over 170 productions on the stage. To adapt his favorite opera to the screen was a dream come true – the combination of whimsical cinematography and divine music prove a match made in heaven.

??️《魔笛》THE MAGIC F...Read more

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?恭喜 #丁溪鶴 憑 《#尋狗啟事》在第21屆上海國際電影節贏得亞洲新人獎最佳男演員!評審們讚賞他「以質樸的表演詮釋了一個中國當下年輕人豐富的內心世界。」此片由優酷、合一影業出品,為香港國際電影節首屆「早鳥•新導演啟航計劃」作品,在今年的第42屆香港國際電影節舉行世界首映。

?Congratulations to Ding Xinhe for winning the Best Actor Award with LOOKING FOR LUCKY at the 21st Shanghai International Film Festival Asian New Talent Award! Co-presented by Youku and Heyi Pictures, the film was the winner of the inaugural HKIFF Early Bird New Directors Film Fund, and had its world premiere at #HKIFF42 this year.


HKIFF #香港國際電影節

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【#CineFan】《雪花高離奇命案》、《花火》 ❄️ FARGO and FIREWORKS ?

一冷一熱;一沉着一狂燥;一是黑色幽默,一是血色暴力;一個女幹探慢條斯理查明經紀綁架妻子謀財害命的真相,一個男刑警打劫銀行為求向誤傷誤殺的同僚贖罪。#法蘭絲麥杜曼 同 #北野武 南轅北轍,偏偏在Cine Fan碰頭。好在他們在康城、奧斯卡和威尼斯各自揚威,否則同場較量不知鹿死誰手。

FrancisMcDormand and #KitanoTakeshi have nothing in common. She is a mild-mannered police officer who is dedicated to tracing down the inept brigands; he is a beleaguered cop whose emotions only run on agony and ecstasy as he engineers a daring bank robbery for life’s redemption. When FARGO meets FIREWORKS (aka HANA-BI) Cine Fan, there is one thing for both to sha...Read more

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Hong Kong International Film Festival

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