泳闯琴关 (No Limits) is ending this week, and I haven’t caught any episodes.
I’ve been told multiple times that I can watch back episodes online on XinMSN, unfortunately, it’s not available in Vietnam (Video reads: Not available in your region). *pOut~ Isn’t Vietnam in the same region as Singapore? The Southeast Asia region…
So I really hope that you guys can watch 泳闯琴关 (No Limits) and le...Read more
In my previous blog post on AnD, I introduced the cast of Cody Rock and showcased some of the stuff we did outside work.
Since we’re at the last episode of the kid’s drama this week, it’s time to check out some of the more exciting behind-the-scenes footages!
C...Read more
Hey guys, I started a new blog last week. No, I'm not letting go of my AnD account, rather keeping another account for various hobbies of mine like travelling, the Arts and other random musings. Will continue my support with AnD Meanwhile, please check out http://justjesz.wordpress.com when you are free! Read more
No Limits is a project of many seconds. 《游闯琴关》是我的许多第二次。
My second supporting role on channel 8, and my second collaboration with a few of the cast an crew! 是我在第八播的第二部配角戏,也是第二次和某些演员和工作人员合作。
Dai Yang Tian and I durin...Read more
The latest Mediacorp drama...featuring hot babes in swimwear...and suave hunks behind the cello.##游闯琴关 (No Limits) Starting tonight,7th July 2010, 9pm, every weekday night on Channel 8!
Remember my trip in March to Sarawak?Been watching Cody Rock on OKTO TV?Here's a trip back, behind-the-scenes...###Sarawak, Borneo, where it all started...
A Seed's previous entry got featured! Can't help but write another blog post about it Qn: So what would one expect from A Seed: A Series of Underground Art?###Answer: Variety. A Seed opening at The Substation...Read more
My new show is up this week!!###Presenting... ###When is Cody Rock airing? ###Where can we watch Cody Rock? ...Read more
Have you seen this banner on AliveNotDead? So what is about?A Seed is about processes.Hodgepodge Illustrates creating their artwork from scratch.A Seed is about about learning from other artists.Read more
Finally, my debut as Artistic Director goes public, today, on TODAY! From TODAY papers...A Closer Look The Online version... Read more