兄妹檔????So happy to be able to meet and work with Jason today. Had an absolutely fun shoot! And yes, he is as nice as he seems ✌? #hkt #nevigator #broadband #wifi一鍵即優 #itotallyneedthatinmylife #jasonchanpakyu #陳栢宇 #funshoot
I know it’s still hot but I can’t wait till Christmas ❤️ #imisschristmas
I absolute adoreeee tea! ? 收到新出「伝説」日式綠茶同焙茶超開心! 伝說既焙茶一試就愛上,淡淡既Roast 味又唔會太苦,好鍾意?
而家仲有伝說xLee 牛仔布袋套裝,詳情可以上www.kitagawahanbee.com.hk
個陶瓷茶杯真係好靚好靚?? 已經即刻用左?
I’m so proud of how far you’ve come. Please enjoy today. You’ll always be my Hiro ❤️ #hirohk #hirohamada #hkdl #濱田廣
A film and theatre actress from Hong Kong that speaks fluent Cantonese, English and Mandarin.