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Joe Fiorello
Actor , Director , Screenwriter
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I got to say, I'm actually pretty interested in checking out this "Baywatch" movie. When I first heard about it, I think I very audibly groaned, but it looks like they're giving it the "21 Jump Street" buddy comedy style treatment. That should work pretty well. it would have a wild fiasco if it tried to take itself too seriously.

Great review for my movie "Love Stalk" on the U.K. Based movie site DVDfever.co.uk http://dvd-fever.co.uk/love-stalk-the-dvdfever-review/ #film #movie #hongkongmovie #lovestalk

Good morning friends and fans! Today I work up with a sore throat, in a cold sweat, and with this ridiculous hairdo, but still smiling because at least it was a full night of sleep for once. Haha #goodmorning #migmefriends

Came across this one again. Hong Kong Shogun! This was a fun one to work on. :)

hongkongfilm #hongkong #actor #film #migmefriends


I was always more a fan of these old timey pitching stances, myself. ?

Dream come true today. I got a chance to shoot a little project with one of my childhood heroes! Managed to hold my excitement until shooting this selfie. Haha #jeanclaudevandamme #jcvd #vandamme

That'd be cool. Huh huh huh huhuhuhuh #migmefriends


Actor, screenwriter, director from New York and now bringing my flavor to Hong Kong

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Hong Kong
Member Since
October 5, 2009