見返大家真係好鬼開心!! 你哋有冇都少少掛住 #是咁的法官閣下 ??⚖️??⚖️ 答啱有得聽監製 chanycandy 唱「摘星」? PS. 茜姐get well soon? Didn’t realise how much I… https://t.co/b80j8FMHZ8
恭喜 memorigin 恭喜好兄弟 ws286 To yet another spectacular year for one of the most outstanding Hong Kong brands of our… https://t.co/HN4MTXo8NY
其實春天同冬天嘅分別唔一定係天氣(今年已經證明左唔係?) 一睇就知我「心的季節」係咩啦? We may have had an unusually chilly start to our spring this year? But… https://t.co/eKeQIwMlIO
排到七情上面??????? Rehearsals have been pretty intense lately ? matteoriccithe_musical
小分享:操嘢攰就梗㗎喇。但當教練同你講「來多組」,而你望住器材時心底裡湧起莫名嘅恐懼⋯呢個就係突破嘅時候?? Pain is basically a given during any type of serious trainin… https://t.co/ycD5yIMZk8
大家元宵節過得好嗎? How was everyone’s Chinese Valentine’s Day?
迎難上 繼續上? matteoriccithe_musical 努力排練中?? United against the storm⚡️
? : atawong https://t.co/AKaI0TS4RO
My Website: www.jon-wong.com Twitter: www.twitter.com/jonwong63 Sina blog: http://t.sina.com.cn/jonwongzixuan Japanese Website: http://www.avexnet.or.jp/jona