Official Artist
Julia Ling
Actor , Producer
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Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

Happy Saint Patrick's Day Everyone! 

I co-wrote and directed this for laughs.

Asian Dude thinks he's a LeprechaunThe youtube video link is at:  http://bit.ly/zq55hU

 I hope you enjoy it!  Please, do share your comments and feedback.

almost 13 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares

Hey Everyone, I'm BACK! Tonight!

Been so busy and haven't updated.  

Here's the latest news.  I'm back on CHUCK tonight! :o)


We update my facebook fairly frequently:


But I'll make an effort to p...Read more

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  7 comments  0 shares

Happy happy April :)

So we just got back from the Wushu competition in Berkeley.  Brought me that breath of fresh air that I so needed since my guy and I broke up not too long ago.  We'd been together for 7 years...   It's so weird being single again.

And WOW were there some amazing players at the Berkeley competition!

In particular, I enjoyed watching Tiffany R. and Phillip Dang.  Team UCLA's awesome too..  They're so nice and fun in real life too!   I can only hope that one day I know what the meaning of strength and control...Read more

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares

Here at Car Dealership...

I just met an amazing woman, owner of a major company which she built from scratch.  She had an idea, built a business plan, found her investors, and took it all the way.  Hundreds of rejections later, she had her first step in the door.  Today they contribute all kinds of aerospace and nautical devices to the construction of military artillery.I'm absolutely in awe just watching people out there with their grander than life passion.  A lot of them are not just talented but also full of industriousness, diligence, love for life,...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares

How Embarrassing!

Oh my gosh I am so embarrassed I haven't updated in forEVER!

So much has happened... but all my friends here have been on my mind throughout these months. 

Okay so a quick summary of what I've been doing this last year, all in this paragraph so that you may skip this paragraph if it bores you ^_^   I took my 3 courses on real estate, then passed the exam, so I have my real estate license now.  I'm a regular on Chuck this second season, so they've been keeping us busy on set.  We went to all these publicity ...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  8 comments  0 shares

Vegetable Chicken Soup Recipe

Start with: Chicken Broth

Chicken Bones

Tomato Sauce


Add to it:

Sea Salt

Black Pepper






Then add (longer cooking time) Tomatoes




Finally: Green Beans


Serve =) 

over 17 years ago 0 likes  8 comments  0 shares

My First Blog!

I received an email this morning at 4-ish am time that woke me up and recommended I post a blog because I'm featured on the alivenotdead website.  Through my sleepy groggy eyes, I just couldn't comprehend the email i was reading on my blackberry.

I just couldn't believe it... Really?  How could someone so young like me get featured on such a cool site?  Was I good enough?  I don't even look half as pretty as all the other girls I saw on there!  It surely must be a mistake, I thought. 

Well I turned on my comput...Read more

over 17 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares


Hey Everyone!  Thank you so much for visiting my alivenotdead page.

I'm excited to join this community and look forward to meeting everyone.

over 17 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares


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english, mandarin
Location (City, Country)
Los Angeles, United States
Member Since
August 31, 2007