got our MV pics from the other day..will write about it REAL SOON
OKAY same Jap dude.. apparently REALLY popular on youtube now.. but he's bitchin about getting spam in his emails, and he sings a song at the end of the vid.. his accent makes him sing 'sperm' instead of 'spam' though... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH
Video: -Justin
Check it out!
One of my favorite Japanese dudes that reviews gadgets online (I'm a gadget freak if you didn't know, love gadgets and hacking them.. I mean watching people hack them. . )..where was I? Oh yea this dude has the latest gaming console..the nintendo dsi, running a cool synth/beatmaker made by korg, the ds-10..I use that too on the train..pretty fun sh*t too..especially for beataholics like myself.. anyway.. it's better if you just watch the vid!
Video: Read more
I had to share this one man!
Video: -Justin
Who's line is it anyways?
LOVE this clip, LOVE this game, 3 headed broadway star, 3 guys sing a broadway song and can only sing one word at a time following each other.. check it out:
Video: The part where Drew Carey is like, "And take me on a..oh one word sorry", fkin funny dude!
I've always wanted to share this video.
It's a promo vid for a product made by Creative.. the Prodikeys. It's basically a computer keyboard with mini piano keys on bottom. I actually have it (found it in mong kok computer centre for $300) and it's actually usable to make music on the computer.
This video shows exactly that..and the part where he says, "This is rock n' roll", always gets me man! HAHA
Video: Read more
Welcome to my first blog!
Been meaning to get onto alivenotdead for a long time already! Was talking to Raffi today about how I was supposed to set it up my profile exactly one year ago, and here finally it is!
I already know a lot of you alivenotdead-ers in person, only catching up with the online biz now though.
So here's a quick intro for those of you that don't know me, I am the Protégé of Sam Hui and working on a music project with his youngest son Scottie Hui (
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