石堅徐演於中的天殘腳和中的奸人堅外,仲係內送過幾條Trademark 疤痕比李小龍,仲勁過Addidas!
美國汽車巨擘通用汽車(General Motors)今天宣佈出售旗下的悍馬(Hummer)品牌給一家中國公司。
Chicken Broth 雞湯底 / Satay Broth 沙爹湯底 / Preserved Egg & Chicory Broth 皮蛋莧茜湯底 / Hot & Spicy Szechuan Broth 四川麻辣湯底 / Fish Broth 魚湯底
Amaranth 莧菜 / Bamboo Shoot 竹筍 / Black Mushroom 香菇 / Bok Choi 白菜 / Sweet Corn 粟米 / Genoki Mushrooms 金菇 / Lettuce 生菜 / Kale 芥蘭 / Cabbage 蔔白 / Gai Choy 芥菜
Beef 牛肉 / Chicken Pieces 雞塊 / Kurobuta Pork 日本黑豚肉 / Lamb 羊肉 / Wagyu Beef 和牛肉 / Beef Shank 牛 / Ox-Tail 牛尾 / Beef Balls 牛丸 / Pork & Mushroom Balls 貢丸 / Chicken Balls 雞丸
abalone 鮑魚 ...Read more
As I said, I will bring you guys more of songs about graf!
Check it!
MC Juice
One of the very best
Did you know that KRS ONE used to be a writer?
Did you know Fat Joe used to write too?
Anyway, hoop to see some shit like that in Chinese or Cantonese rap soon!
Loop Troop is always the kind of songs I like to listen b4 any mission.
Everytime when I listen to it, I'm just so ready for any mission!
See if it works on you writers out there!
Long Arms Of The Law
Ambush In The Night
Spraycan Stories
I been waitin' to see local canton raps about graf like that for years
Will my dream come true one day?
I'm down for any kind of help if YOU can do it!
More songs about graf will come soon!
by KZ(SangFan)
It already killed 152 people in Mexico.
Over 40 people infected in US.
In only such a short time, it spread so fast.
Who's going to be the next?
What does it remind ya?
All MTN Hardcore colors are back in stock!!! Keeping your handz dirty since 2002!!!