原來我地既每一對Vans既waffle鞋底都係咁樣整出黎架!係人手做架!??????Meanwhile I am still trying to get over the excitement of having the pleasure of visiting the Vans Factory yesterday ! Here is mr @stevevansman showing us how it's done ?????? #hkig #hkiger #vanshkg #vans #vansmily @vanshkg
Play videoGreat denim nite ! Rad and gnarly to see and meet you guys tonite ! Yay Selfie time!?????? Nicely done @socialcapital and @lanecrawford ?????? #hkig #hkiger #instamood #instadaily #lanecrawford #lcdenimroom #rialtojeanproject #socialcapital
Selfie with Erin Feniger ! ?? She paints denim and makes it look really funky!!! ??????@denimdoinggood #hkig # hkiger #instadaily #instamood #rialtojeanproject #lcdenimroom
the baddies 不願上鏡女員工今日為大家示範三樣嘢 : 1) the baddies 史上第一件女裝 (即將上架)
2) yupoong SnapBack 黑色 restock (已經上架)
3) 如何背脊都交到戲 女裝小試牛刀,限量上場,手快有手慢無!密切留意上架日期 ?
琴日Vans鞋廠一日遊 : 大家以家住緊Vans既朋友望一望你個鞋底,因為你waffle鞋底就係從呢餅天然橡膠做成的....a lot of manpower to makin the waffle sole☺️☺️☺️ #hkig #hkiger #instadaily #instamood #vans #vanshkg #vansmily @vanshkg @vansmilyapac
Play videoTour of the Vans china Factory! RAD! VANS鞋廠一日遊!?????? #hkig #hkiger #instadaily #instamood #vanshkg @vans @vansmilyapac
早晨全部人 0715am ! ☺️☺️☺️ field trip today ! Yeah ! ??????#hkig #hkiger #instadaily #instamood #starbuckshk
Rockin this VANS 50th year anniversary jersey together with the legend @christianhosoi ! ?????? 真係諗都無諗過可以同偶像一齊著情侶裝影相相...☺️☺️☺️ #50thanniversary #hkig #hkiger #instamood #instadaily #vanshkg #vans #christianhosoi #vans50th
大家支持我LMF好兄弟 @lojimjimmymak 隊新band!如果你鍾意beatles的話就一定要去睇埋佢地黎緊個show喇!?????? good show guys! Cooper A Hard days night... 日期: 22.1.2016 時間: 晚上7:30 票價:$150 (包飲品一杯) Fringe Club 藝穗會 地址: 香港中環下亞厘畢道二號地下劇場
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facebook: www.facebook.com/cooper.hk Instagram: cooper.hk
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