Official Artist
Killer Soap
Musician , Singer
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多謝 @rayban 邀請,多謝大家為8月之星慶祝生日。

campaign4change #killersoap #rayban #live #show #band #長大就是這樣

about 9 years ago 289 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Come to join us @hiddenagendahk for the event of @rayban tonight. Lets have the campaign for change! Never hide!

campaign4change #killersoap #alwaysawinner #neverhide #rayban #長大就是這樣

about 9 years ago 211 likes  0 comment  0 shares

殺手鐧成熟時! 快啲睇下佢地想分享咩啦! 仲有新專輯的藝術總監Pazu, 睇下佢地點樣展示成長! Thanks @metropophk 的訪問,長大就是這樣愛分享好東西!

長大就是這樣 #Metropop #interview #長大

about 9 years ago 239 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Ray-Ban Party4Change! 8月21日KillerSoap會同一眾香港搖滾勁旅在Hidden Agenda同你地玩返晚!我地會同你地玩同最後,let's have a happy Friday!


campaign4change #Party4Change #hk #killersoap #band

about 9 years ago 218 likes  0 comment  0 shares

快啲去睇片啦!全亞洲首次空中音樂會~ "Distance"正好適合空中工作同要飛黎飛既大家。 @killersoaprocky @manmanlau @gould810 @killersailo @kevinsoap @tomleemusic.hk @hkairlines #sweetenyouup #長大就是這樣 #CommandN #hongkongairlines

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about 9 years ago 294 likes  0 comment  0 shares

長大就是這樣,要讓所說的話成真!一起飛到最高最遠,然後分享喜悅。再次感謝@hkairlines 與我們一起打造#sweetenyouup 行動!亦感謝@tomleemusic.hk全力支持提供樂器????

長大就是這樣 #plane #hongkongairlines #tomlee #killersoap

about 9 years ago 286 likes  0 comment  0 shares

有片睇喇!恭喜 @cycyyim 同佢未婚妻 @shirleycat !今次係全亞洲首次3萬呎空中音樂會,仲首唱新歌<長大就是這樣>!想聽新歌足本版,要留意8月底新歌首發啊!

多謝 #香港航空 支持呢次快閃演唱會,樂器提供 @tomleemusic.hk 同偉大 #CommandN 拍攝團隊!

sweetenyouup #killersoap #長大就是這樣

@killersailo @killersoaprocky @kevinsoap @gould810 @manmanlau

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about 9 years ago 325 likes  1 comments  0 shares


hongkongairlines #sweetenyouup #killersoap #長大就是這樣

about 9 years ago 342 likes  0 comment  0 shares

男神阿Gould回歸,樂隊今日繼續接受媒體訪問,仲有新專輯美術指導Pazu一齊分享拍攝點滴。 順帶一提,5子已經準備好,聽日將會有一樣音樂界既創舉。

長大就是這樣 @killersoaprocky @killersailo @manmanlau @gould810 @kevinsoap

about 9 years ago 299 likes  0 comment  0 shares

@gould810 生日快樂,有咩祝福說話請留言!?

about 9 years ago 413 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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