Well, I was never really good at keeping up with something; just like writing blog entries day by day, week by week, month by month, and year by year. Yet I am happily to announce that I have made my return to keep up with AND.
Hmmmm, how should I start this? Just been busy recently with side works. Got a new hair cut and highlights, so here is the picture of the new ME. I really miss my beautiful long hair and want it back, but what can I do? I guess they will grow back in a period of time.
Went to LA Disney Land and had a lot of fun, pictures will be uploaded later.
This week, just focusing on making video blogs for Pri...Read more
OMG! I just recently gained 8-10bs, :(((((( so unhappy right now, no longer can fit into my size 0 jeans anymore.
Try to avoid taking summer school. I am trying to take as much classes as possible to get myself near that boundary of taking summer classes. Try to keep up in school, so currently enrolling in 26 units.
Today is like the longest day in my life, normally I would never stay active to be in school for more than 10 hours. But Mondays' schedule will always be like that, at least for this quarter :(
First class starts at 9am and goes all the way til 9pm, only one hour break (sux).
Tuesday is just a lil easie...Read more
飞,会让人充满梦想- 追求能够让自己可以获得更加充实的希望!
By: Ling Li
Today is the first day of my Spring Quarter, because didn't do so well in Winter Quarter, I had to force myself to take more unit enable to catch up the credits. I did miss my first class because it was really messy schedule :( But I found film class quite interesting. Although it's like a 4 hour class all together but we ended up watch a film called Rear Window. :) Still have a long way to go. First class starts at 9am tomorrow all the way til 4:30pm. Sighhhh...
I haven't seen her ( Shoo- best friend ) ever since we are out of high school. It's been more than a year. Well, we went to Japantown to take sticker pictures before we had lunch in Tan Po Po. ( I like the Ramen, yummy! They always don't serve tea, same excuse- we are out of tea! haha ). After that, we bought some snacks from that little Japanese Supermarket downstaires.
1st stop: Macy's ( legging, must have )
2nd stop: West Field Shopping Center
Victoria's secret: three pairs of sweat...Read more
hmmmm. Didn't do much today, slept all the way til 12pm. took a shower, then got ready for lunch. Was thinking about go to Dim-Sum, But by the time I was done getting ready, it was almost 2 o'clock. So me and Preston went to Japantown ending up having Ramen for breakfast and lunch. Got a call from Rich and said that have to be home around 5:45pm so we could heading over to Berkeley for the Princess screening. After finishing the noodles, me and Preston walked around in the Japantown Plaza looking for Relax Bear for his little lovely daughter ...Read more
Hello Everyone, Thank you for all your supports. <3 大家好,谢谢你们对我的支持!