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Autosave 10/12/08 00:16:24


it's been a really tough week for me.. being back in disney AGAIN, being a vocalist this time, expected to study and remember all the scrīpt, songs, lyrics, staging for a 35-ish minutes play in 4 days..  it's a big challenge for me besides the mentioned, but also need to wake up 6.45 to 7 every morning!!! im so not used to regular hours since...Read more

接近 16 年 前 0 赞s  5 评论s  0 shares

Blog: Thursday, Aug 14

hehehe.. last blog was 10 days ago.. 10, is my lucky number now!!! :D

i often let my emotions beat me.. but it's time to trust my feeling and instinct rather than those excessive thinking which leads to my emotions...! now that i have my lucky charm, i should be able to do many things and go real far...  let's keep up with the positivity and productivity to make this world or just ourselves with the ppl around us a little bit better ...Read more

大约 16 年 前 0 赞s  9 评论s  0 shares

Blog: Monday, Aug 4

last week has been a totally new start for me... back to my mother, i feel safe and loved again... my family, my friends..

it's been awhile that i've been drowning myself with despair... but the truth is, if you won't give up yourself when you'r drowning, if you'll strike to live then people will be there to help...

im lucky that i see light, i believe the light will dry me up and lead me to a better future!  it's time to pull myself together and prepare for the goods!!


this pic is...Read more

大约 16 年 前 0 赞s  10 评论s  0 shares

Blog: Sunday, Jul 27

my different versions of  jester / pierrot / clown / whatever in different jobs... -_-

Jester for the Airport SkyPlaza ad in 2007

Video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5...Read more

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Blog: Friday, Jul 25

you are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy, when skies are grey, you never know dear, how much i love you, please don't take my sunshine away...

had such a great day with the Sun shining on our boat trip today... i feel like im still burning.. will eat watermelon and try to cool my skin with its skin later.. hehe..

i feel like im living again.. things have to be better and better!!! :)


大约 16 年 前 0 赞s  3 评论s  0 shares

Blog: Friday, Jul 18

busy busy week... hehe..

busy with hanging out with friends(sing k, dinner, shopping, hang around, dance, boat trip, woohoo~), moving for my parents, teaching, rehearsals for shows, singing recording for another coming up disney pictures, fightings with bf(i almost got killed!), messing up the home(it looks like shit now i want to burn the place down!!), being sick(well... obviously i should have no time for that now, could u come again later?? i got cold or flu for the forth day now! not acceptable!!!)...

what an excitin...Read more

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Blog: Sunday, Jul 13


loneliness is intruding my life! even my dreams... i was crying from sleeping... in my dream i was leaving my little one, and i missed her so much and felt so hard when i saw her trying so hard not to cry when i was getting into a lift... and then i woke up and cry out loud like a baby... :..(

 ooo.... i know these hard days will be gone... it'll be gone... all i need is time, n then i'll gather my strength again....  

大约 16 年 前 0 赞s  10 评论s  0 shares

Blog: Wednesday, Jul 9

"落大雨,水浸街...", 今日中午係元朗開完工走緊o既時候聽到個小妹妹一路行一路唱住"落大雨,水浸街.."!! 勁cute!! hehe..  好想知成首o既係點唱呢!!

今朝一早起身... 由香港去到老遠o既元朗... 人生路不熟, 一心以為路在口邊, 問左幾位先生小姐... 都無人知道我要去o既目的地係邊! 於是走左上架的士, 開始左以下o既對話:

司機話: 下, 係傾對面果度咋麻, 你行過去仲快啦, 不過e 家無辦法啦(因為我已經上左車!! 哈...), 我同你兜個圈過去啦!! 

我話: 下, 係呀?! 我唔知呀! 我第一次黎元朗唔識路呀! 問左幾個人都唔知, 咪截的士囉!

司機話: 你係邊度黎架?

我話: 我係香港過黎架! 

司機話: 哦! 咁你等陣記住去買老婆餅啦喎!

我話: 老婆餅??

司機話: 係呀!! 元朗最出名老婆餅呀麻, 恒香老婆餅, 呢, 好近咋麻, e 條街行到尾! 買番香港做手信呀麻!! 如果唔係人地點知你黎過元朗!!

哈哈!! 元朗人真識好客之道!! he...Read more

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Blog: Sunday, Jul 6

two days ago i received a very terrible news from a company that offered me a role in a musical a week ago!  they emailed me just on my birthday saying that they have withdrawn my offer!  the worst is, i rejected another musical offer at once for  their offer!!!  i was so excited about that n so looking forword to start rehearsing... i just can't believe that this kind of thing would actually happen!  i was so lost and frustrated in the past two days... becoz they should have been not offering me anything so i could do the other one.....Read more

大约 16 年 前 0 赞s  9 评论s  0 shares

Blog: Friday, Jul 4

just passed my birthday few hours ago... it wasn't as worse as i expected... it's not exciting, no celebration, neither wanting or expecting anything...  but at least got some works to busy with starting from early morning, got some frds birthday calls n msgs, got to hear from my lovely daughter, had a nice lunch with frds, warmth dinner with family, am really grateful to all the ppl i've seen in last two days... n it's a nice and peaceful day!...  but i can't deny that the sense of blues is still surrounding me... im ...Read more

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Hong Kong
May 2, 2008