Success is never accidental. I like to read on successful people and improve on how I approach life and run my...
Today's Children's day in China. Sometimes, we gotta act cute to remind ourselves that this moment is the...
Picture from Jan 2011. It's been 5 years. It is indeed very difficult to foresee a future. 5 years ago, I didn't...
Success is never accidental.
Extremely disgusting
For the kids and teenagers in Singapore who complains about their schools and teachers. Look at how lucky we are.
Imagine driving through Singapore's traffic without traffic lights. That's what my week felt like. Hope yours...
When you feel that you are not on the right path, don't panic. Stay still and make the next Right move.
I hardly shop online cuz even that takes a lot of time out of me. But I ran out of makeup cleanser yet couldn't...
How's your Monday? I'm otw home for dinner! — feeling hungry