Picture of when I took a break from filming to call my daughter........ #film #love #family #call
Happy birthday to the most wonderful woman I have ever met in my life #love #birthday #butterflies #wifey
The first scene of the day beside a beautiful Guangzhou river. #guangzhou #china #film #actor
Over the rooftops, step in time. Suburban GZ style. #guangzhou #suburban #rooftops #film
At this month’s Fun Home after party. A typically mind-blowingly wonderful show by Pangdemonium Productions. And good to see a friend again! #theatre #singapore #pangdemonium #funhome @rayvezen @benjaminkheng
And the person who got me my first job in China!
Great catchup with the first person I worked for when I first came to China!
Production shot #Film #hongkong #china #guangzhou
Day 1: Here’s to a successful shoot! 开机大吉!#film #crime #hongkong #china
Rayve Zen 郑维杰 is a screen and stage actor, writer and television personality currently based in Hong Kong and Singapore.
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