Red Bull
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Update from "Tram 1020"

Update from "Tram 1020"

Tram is Green. Since it runs by electricity it emits no fumes. It is an efficient public transportation system, economical and has been with us for more than 100 years:) This machine will fly on October 10 Flugtag HK!!!

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~尋找材料~ Searching for materials

An update from Team "Bride in Sarajevo"

今日中午一放lunch hour, 呔都唔除飛去旺角, 好在有<

~ 話甘快~搵到曬~


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Red Bull en Ik ( Red Bull and I )

Another update from one of our teams "Mad Roaches"

上星期, 我地一班組員如常開會, 開會期間不其然又拎起部相機影相, 其中有幾張係我拎住Redbull影, 多得攝影師Barry同Andy, 影得唔錯架...hahahaha....


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Our Dedicated Entry Form

An update from one of our teams "Mad Roaches"

I am here to share our dedication. Here we go! ^^YEAH!  


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Update from "Tram 1020"

Update from "Tram 1020"

We are looking for materials for our"GREEN TRAM" flying machine:) Bamboo is our top choice because it is very strong yet very light. We can see it here in Hong Kong everyday because it is being used as scaffolding in repairing buildings. The problem is if anyone knows where to get one?

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Bride in Sarajevo 飛行日誌 Vol.3

An update from Team "Bride in Sarajevo"

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZdj7N0zfrk 更多

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A gift from Red Bull

Update from Team Mad Roaches

Author: AndyHey, guys and gals…. It’s Andy here XD… my first blog in MMMaaaadddd Roaches, so here it goes!!….

It is sooo-exiting being in this event and it’s still a long long way until our craft is built and things shorted out….. Last Thursday, Redbull gave me a call to pick up a sweet present. I went to their HQ in Causeway Bay right after work…. It was a big heavy box of Bosch power tools!!!!!!!!! The tools will be very useful when building the craft….. big thanks to RB…

Unboxing th...Read more

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An update from our team "Mad Roaches"

真開心!由起初,我們得知此比賽,找到志趣相投的teammates,再聚在一起開會,嘩! 仲成功入o左圍o添! 這種喜悅真是教人興奮!很多謝我可愛的組員。好! 我們團結一致,一起往目標進發! Wow...... just like flying in the sky......so happy!AprilRead more

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An update from Team "Mad Roaches"

Congraduations!!!!我地成功入圍喇, 大家一定好開心... 首先我要隆重介紹我地Mad Roaches既成員, 官仔骨骨, 書卷氣味甚濃 -- Barry Ng; 多才多藝, 高貴大方美麗動人-- April Yu; 熱愛自由, 熱愛機械事物 -- Andy Pang; 仲有我, 愛發白日夢, 傻裡傻氣 -- Grace Lam. 以後呢個blog將會記錄我地參加Red Bull Flugtag大小事務, 當中包括日常會議, 搜購製造飛行器材料以及整個製造過程, 當然唔少得我地當中既趣事, 呢一點一滴都會成為呢個blog既重要元素!!! Mad Roaches....加油!!!![](/attachments/2010/09/06/07/75610_2010090607030124.gif)

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english, cantonese
Hong Kong
April 18, 2008