Thank you @ericliu0709 for the timely present! 靚聲high quality and great for travels!! #JAYS #q-JAYS #Towervision
Fun times with @judetsang ? PS. Landed safely in Beijing!
・・・ Lambo, why so shy bro? Sing along with the girls behind u ma!!! @lambo_gini @robynnyip @judetsang #913dearjane #不許你注定一人 @dearjanejackal @dearjanenice @dearjanetim @dearjanehowie
Play video因工作而超級大遲到,總算聽到了 #不許你注定一人 演唱會的最後最後部份。 明天飛北京了,十月份才會回來。會一直拍攝video blog,update大家,因為會很想念大家!8am flight!! Good night la!!! PS. AWESOME SHOW @dearjaneofficial :) I LOVED the percussion drum-off! But not as awesome as Howie's triangle playing. That was just on another level and completely mind-blowing.? ? haha!
新朋友:取名為 Tim Buttons. 小名Buttons. 多謝你手寫的生日卡和毛sungsung的生日禮物 @plattho 小朋友, AKA #宇宙最強靚仔男神Plattho ? #minionmovie
Thank you for visiting my official artist page! I believe in sharing music, sharing emotions, sharing love, sharing me. =) 我希望能透過音樂,分享心情,分享愛, 分享屬於自己的想法. 謝謝你們來到