Official Artist
Robynn Yip 葉晴晴
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我們第一次參與舞台劇啊!!!! ?? Trinity Theatre x Robynn & Kendy x 糖兄 x Orange 的舞台劇《請你記住我》的票今天正式開始預售!!十月份,只演十場!!訂票及詳情: www.trinitytheatre.org

I wanna spend everyday as happy as I can be. Endure through the thick and thin, as people come and go, as tides go high and low. Everyday with you is a blessing. I am so far from being perfect, but I'm so grateful to have you in my life, and I can be just the way I am.

昨天 Fans gathering 盡興了!!謝謝大家的愛和支持和歡笑聲!!感謝 茶木 Cafe @teawoodhk 、太興提供的食物和飲品,感謝 Drums Only @drumsonlyofficial 提供場地,也謝謝所有同事和好朋友咖喱幫忙籌備一次這麼開心的event!!love you all, you're the best . 今天去廣州工作一天,和內地粉絲見面去了!on our way to Guang Zhou to see fans there!! @robynnand_kendy #robynnandkendy #robynnyip #kendysuen

茶木戀碼 微電影就快可以看啦!! 留意 @teawoodhk fun acting with @kendysuen and @ahhkwan 我獻上了螢幕上第一次的眼淚哦!


Bumps on the road is a must, so we can realize what we can work on to fly even higher.

TWO MORE DAYS!快報名參加 R&K Fan Club, 6月27號就可以和我們近距離見面,一起jam 歌,玩遊戲,照相,聊天,吃東西,還有一個額外小驚喜,嘻嘻 =P : http://youtu.be/x4xuqair8_I

I really hope I could see you, (yes you) there! :)

"Why hello Imagine Dragons, I am Robynn from Robynn & Kendy" #fangirling




Thank you for visiting my official artist page! I believe in sharing music, sharing emotions, sharing love, sharing me. =) 我希望能透過音樂,分享心情,分享愛, 分享屬於自己的想法. 謝謝你們來到

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english, cantonese, mandarin
Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
March 27, 2010