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Robynn and Kendy Reflection live 2017 - making of and highlights

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☀️ While there will always be more dreams to pursue, more mountains to climb, I still remember the days I prayed for the things I have now. #gratefulness

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2018, you have been so great so far. 感謝903!!#世界對我們 #NUMBER1 thanks to all the DJs that play the song, thanks to our first time collaborations @terencelam0903 @mankeungchow and 媒人 @herman_to thanks to @sianyu and UM team for everything and @welbychung for the beautiful MV and @conniyau for the cover art! #YOUANDIAGAINSTTHEWORLD

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Wow. We old. Hahhaa thank you fans for your love... you are one of the biggest blessings I have in my musical journey. Happy birthday to Robynn & Kendy!!! . .

Repost @robynnandkendy

・・・ 轉眼間,Robynn & Kendy出道已經有6年時間啦~希望佢地繼續創作更多好音樂、帶更多歡樂與感動俾大家啦:)大家當然都要繼續支持佢地啊!!! .

robynnandkendy #robynnandkendyreflectionlive #rk #robynnyip #kendysuen #anniversary #sixyears #six #happybirthday

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出發去。一切才剛開始。#2018 . . .

repost @perryngng

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2017年,我活得無悔。 出道時體驗到夢想有多夢幻,之後體驗到夢想可以有多現實。到籌備這個演唱會,我發現最珍貴的東西都不是金錢能換回來的,都是身邊好多好多的天使、好多好多無條件為我們的人。感謝你們所有人,讓我們繼續去做最真實的自己,因為- 最真實的自己,才是最好的自己。 . . 2018, 我們會繼續,世界對我們!!! #reflectionlive . . . 感謝海豚導演 @dooc ,Ah Lun, Mandy, 所有台燈聲 crew,roadie 爆炸。感謝細 So @soyiuchung 多謝外星人 @shengwong 團隊。 感謝 Edward 團隊, Kei jai, Kimme, Anton, King Kong, Bertha, kelvin... you guys ROCK! . 多謝艾粒!!! . Thank you Jennifer for EVERYTHING. @jenchianghk We are the way we are on stage because of you. Thanks to all dancers! Thank you Krystal for being an amazing vocal teacher, for watching me grow and im...Read more

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後日.....!?!?!?!?!? Bring it on. We are READY! ?????? It’s gonna be SOOOO fun!

KKBOXpresents #reflectionlive @kkbox_hk @fittpub @nikehkg #justdoit

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Happy Boxing Day!! 籌備演唱會真的會翻看很多舊的回憶, 也很感恩一路上有人支持我們的原創。 在這裡跟你們所有人說聲謝謝 :) 希望在週五的演唱會內見到你們 :) You guys are all amazing!

Videos prepared and shot by Heizi and Charlie from our Universal Music Hong Kong digital team Edited by Fai Footage from all of you :) THANK YOU!

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Sit down and take a break. Reflect upon everything that happened. They don’t happen because the world hates you. Everything is training, and we are all stronger than we know, and we can still choose the bright side.

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Hi from the Tom Lee Band Rehearsal room! ???? happy Sunday? #robynnandkendy #RKreflectionlive

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Thank you for visiting my official artist page! I believe in sharing music, sharing emotions, sharing love, sharing me. =) 我希望能透過音樂,分享心情,分享愛, 分享屬於自己的想法. 謝謝你們來到


english, cantonese, mandarin
Hong Kong
March 27, 2010