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Robynn Yip 葉晴晴
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新歌原裝英文版 #LawofLove #無敵 Coming soon tomorrow, Friday at noon.

LyricVideo #StillRobynnandKendy #自家製

over 7 years ago 360 likes  0 comment  3 shares

I've tasted and seen all the sweetest of loves Where my heart becomes free And my shame is undone In your presence lord · ·

holysprit #travelwithbynn

over 7 years ago 391 likes  1 comments  3 shares

在英國拿著黑吉他箱拍照,好像一張似曾相識的人的一張似曾相識的照片。 · · ·

RK #UNIagainsttheworld #travelwithbynn #RobynnAndKendy #kinderbueno #palladiumhk

over 7 years ago 332 likes  1 comments  1 share

Guess the melody:

六月二 六月二 盡興這一天 好繽紛 的嘉賓 我經已太興奮 YAY

六月二 六月二 換票要快d 朱古力 買健達 換高歌的一晚

PS #填詞人真係唔可以亂做 ???????? · · · 【繽紛樂呈獻: Robynn & Kendy & Friends音樂會】 想聽小清新系,抑或係夭心夭肺嘅情歌?機會嚟啦!依家只要推廣期^內買任何2件健達繽紛樂朱古力產品,憑單一收據上 http://kinderbuenopromo.com/ 登記,即有機會贏得 門票2張!每期88份,共4期有352份!想聽 @robynnip @kendysuen @saxyphil @agaseen 同台獻唱最和諧動人嘅音樂,就即刻叫埋朋友一齊參加啦! 詳情即上:http://kinderbuenopromo.com/ ^推廣日期 : 2017年4月19日至5月18日...Read more

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over 7 years ago 122 likes  1 comments  0 shares

Limitations breed creativity- if you let it. Wander, breathe, and take in some of that inspiration.

over 7 years ago 329 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Happy Easter weekend! 復活節快樂! 今天首爾天氣好好☁️☁️ hello from Seoul!

over 7 years ago 344 likes  2 comments  3 shares

饑饉30食空氣,飯錢捐俾飢餓小朋友!我tag @kendysuen @jayfungmusic @saxyphil @dearjanetim 大家一齊加入啦! (但你地tag3個frd得ga啦,我自己手多?) http://30.worldvision.org.hk

宣明會 #饑饉30 #童享每一餐 --------------------------------------------

【童享每一餐】空氣餐挑戰: 1. 到宣明會網站捐出一餐飯錢 http://30.worldvision.org.hk 2. 展示食物圖片,用你嘅創意扮食,影相放上社交網站。寫上:「今餐食空氣,飯錢捐俾飢餓小朋友!」 3. hashtag #宣明會 #饑饉30 #童享每一餐 4. Tag 3個friend加入,列明做法

over 7 years ago 219 likes  1 comments  1 share

被同事們取笑我的新水壺。。。 明明就很有型。。。? @celisalaaa @ivanpoonpoon @jaykocys

over 7 years ago 470 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Spin to start the 無敵 day! ??‍♀️??‍♀️??‍♀️ #beatoughcookie #thisisnotaracethisisjustarun

over 7 years ago 346 likes  1 comments  1 share

好玩? 像變魔術般

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over 7 years ago 170 likes  1 comments  0 shares


Thank you for visiting my official artist page! I believe in sharing music, sharing emotions, sharing love, sharing me. =) 我希望能透過音樂,分享心情,分享愛, 分享屬於自己的想法. 謝謝你們來到

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Languages Spoken
english, cantonese, mandarin
Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
March 27, 2010