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Robynn Yip 葉晴晴
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親愛的閻奕格 Janice Yan 要在香港開演唱會了!大家記得不要錯過啦!!

almost 9 years ago 360 likes  0 comment  1 share


almost 9 years ago 536 likes  0 comment  0 shares

<我不完美>的第一個 Number 1. 也是 Robynn & Kendy 在大馬的第一個number 1.


打從心底感謝馬來西亞的DJ朋友,謝謝 @onefm881 謝謝喜歡這一首歌的每一位。太感動了!will not take this for granted!

almost 9 years ago 594 likes  0 comment  2 shares

一天的拍攝剛結束,還好中間還可以去支持一下好友!她在香港開音樂會啦!快去買票吧!Congratulations to dear Janice!! #亦型亦格香港演唱會 加油!#閻亦格 #pressconference

almost 9 years ago 557 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Thank you @robynnandkendy ❤️ #Repost @robynnandkendy with @repostapp. ・・・

2015叱咤樂壇流行榜頒獎禮 由今日起至12月4日中午12時接受投票 第一階段票選我最喜愛5強 記得投票支持 #robynnandkendy 入選我最喜愛我的組合5強 ! #任我叱咤2015


almost 9 years ago 339 likes  0 comment  0 shares

大家記得留意J2台的靚聲王啦! 謝謝J2台給我們機會分享歌聲和音樂。最幸運的是能和一群超級老友鬼鬼的「同學們」一起「嗨」!!had a blast. Really. Love!!!! Stripped down version of 想怎樣 and punkified 新一天(banana version) ?? another work day has already started at 5am. Add oil, to myself. ??

almost 9 years ago 496 likes  0 comment  0 shares

friendships 唔好喊啦!

almost 9 years ago 674 likes  0 comment  0 shares

You all are AWESOME! Had so much fun ❤️❤️❤️ #j2靚聲王 #dearjane #鄧小巧 #robynnandkendy #crossovers #yay

almost 9 years ago 545 likes  0 comment  0 shares

超級無敵新一招 ???? 無酒自醉哈哈哈哈 @kendysuen @tangsiuhau

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almost 9 years ago 406 likes  0 comment  0 shares

超級無敵新一招 round one hahahahhahahga

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almost 9 years ago 354 likes  0 comment  0 shares


Thank you for visiting my official artist page! I believe in sharing music, sharing emotions, sharing love, sharing me. =) 我希望能透過音樂,分享心情,分享愛, 分享屬於自己的想法. 謝謝你們來到

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english, cantonese, mandarin
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Hong Kong
Member Since
March 27, 2010