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Visiting LALA Land

After my Beijing trip, I had a chance to make a quick dash to Los Angeles before I was beckoned back to the Toronto grind. So what did I do? Eat, eat, eat and said hello to a city I hadn’t visited since 2006!

2013-04-07 18.09.28

Nothing as delicious as Chicken and Waffles!! Mmmmm and the cornbread was mighty d...Read more

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Shooting ‘ZED’

As I mentioned a little while back, I was shooting a sci-fi film in Beijing. It was a crazy shoot and the first time I’ve worked in China so that was an experience in itself.

I worked with a great cast and crew, by the end of it we were making jokes and feeling like one big family. It wasn’t the greatest conditions but I’m glad that I roughed it out, sleeping in the same fleece clothes under millions of blankets just to stay warm – it was all part of the experience!

We shot at an abandoned military camp in Men Tou Gao with incr...Read more

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Quote of the Week: Trail

Do not follow where the path may lead.

Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.

-Harold R. McAlindon


Here’s a pic of me on the Runyon trail sneaking a pic with the Hollywood sign. Never thought I’d make my way to LA but everything...Read more

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LA Webfest Winner

Mister French Taste won 6 awards at LA Web Fest! 58899_504363852934225_2097769992_n

Got some great news from the director and producer of Mister French Taste that we won SIX awards at LA Webfest!!

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Female x Louis Vuitton

Shot an amazing advertorial for LV a couple months ago and now I can post it up!


I’m one of four celebs (others including Steph Chai, Nini Ramli, and Patricia Knudsen) who did this photo shoot for Louis Vuitton on Female magazine to feature their new minisacs purses. Definitely loving this photo and the team t...Read more

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In tha ‘Jing!

I’m currently in Beijing shooting a sci-fi genre flick. With a good referral, I was networked with one of the producers of this film and was asked to audition. I’m really glad I did because the role was initially supposed to be for a caucasian, Linda Hamilton type of character but I tried giving it a different take and the director liked it! Yay!

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Quote of the Week: Captive

The first step toward success is taken when you refuse to be a captive of the environment in which you first find yourself. -Mark Caine


I’m back in North America and I find myself trying to define my own success. I’ve made goals for myself and I have reached some while I’ve missed the mark on othe...Read more

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Shape Cover March 2013

I’ve got another cover coming your way!! It’s so great to be in KL and feel like a lucky girl shooting with awesome magazines! Shape Malaysia is always awesome and it had been over 3 years since my last cover so I was glad to reunite with the same team and shoot another one!!


Fun times with the ...Read more

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Quote of the Week: Enrichment

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Unreserved / Galaxie Interview

Hello amazing people! I’ve got a couple more articles to share—and probably a few more from now until May!! :D

The first one is from Malay Mail’s Unreserved Magazine which came out during the last week of February. I met the CEO of Redberry at an event I was hosting and he said that it would be great if I did an interview with one of his publications and low and behold, I did!! Thanks Dato’!

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WEB: www.sarahlian.com FB: www.facebook.com/imSarahLian TWIT: www.twitter.com/imSarahLian IG: http://instagram.com/imsarahlian


September 9, 2008