A lot of people have too much time on their hands. Thank you.
Good to know the 'world's next superpower' is so brave and confident. Oh, wait... #TZUYU #SplitDeezNuts https://t.co/siABHNvFTU
Could someone please be kind enough to tell me: What does 到唔知系乜野 mean in the context of a comment on a video?
I hope the shameless ass-kisser Huang An gets Cliff Burton's bunk on the tour bus. #TZUYU
Charlene Choi needs to slow down on the fxcking tacos. #ItsAJoke #IKnowItsNotHer https://t.co/6h1A3pX009
Every time I think the sht-dcks 'up above' can't get any more Orwellian and laughable, they prove how wrong I am. According to these assclowns, even people outside China, posting content on sites banned in China, are subject to Chinese law. I have two words for them, and it's not 'Merry Christmas.'
Some roaches believe these ancient carvings, visible only from height, prove their ancestors came from outer space. https://t.co/zutAq8b57F
If we don't support the movies that deserve it, we get the movies that we deserve.