Official Artist
Sean Tierney
Actor , Screenwriter , Musician , Comedian , Author
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Can anyone HK recommend a China visa expediting service? I shamelessly admit I am too proud/lazy to spend what amounts to two working days sitting in Wan Chai to get a multiple entry visa.

Thanks in advance,

El Dopa

Thanks to David Demchuk for the link. The French would say "What a shower."

Microsex Office/潮性辦公室 Full Length Commentary

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over 9 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

It happened. I remember it. I can't and won't forget it.

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If you were to ask Warner Hodges what he thought about Heart, I am sure the answer would be... interesting.

But there's no need to ask what Heart tech Jeff Ousley thinks of Warner E. Hodges.

(link is timed to start at relevant point)

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"One of the most chilling parts of the draft, Article 59, extends to activities outside China’s borders. Any of the following vaguely defined actions, if attributed not only to a representative within China but also to a foreign organization abroad, would be a violation: subversion of state power, undermining ethnic harmony, spreading rumors, or 'other situations that endanger state security or damage the national interest or society’s public interest.'

In other words, if a student group on an American campus protests against Chinese government tr...Read more


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