/ Tap on my bio link or IG story to check the full ? out. @uniqlomyofficial keeping our trip essentially light but stylishly versatile✌?
Play video/ Celebrating @NUYOUMALAYSIA 25th Anniversary March 2018 as #wonderwomen ??♀️ Here’s the story behind @artofpout , acting & modeling. 谢谢用心专访的三八妇女队 @rachelkhiew @tarapang ?
/ My girl squad is bold, sexy and confident. You bet it's going to be intense with YSL Lip Tatouage Couture.
/ Say ‘yes’ if ? hour & ? bummin’ have never get more ✨ than this!! ?????♀️???
/ Celebrating 7th day of Lunar New Year w/ #ESTEELAUDERMY #LIPSTOENVY squad @YTLHOTELS ??
/ ‘WHAT IS DONE IN ? IS DONE WELL.’ Including lifetime armpit sniffin’ & stranglin’ each other. Thanks for this cute pic @calvinchongkm ?
?HK ? Actress/Model ??@calcarriesmodel | ??@artofpout ? I Wanna Be A Model '09 | ??Asia Star Model '15