《6/7提示》一張為人類帶來提示的音樂專輯 將於5月6日6PM於信達城8樓舉行發佈音樂會 到時見~!《6/7提示》FACEBOOK
《6/7提示》是一張為人類帶來提示的音樂專輯 ♥ 將於5月6日6PM於信達城舉行發佈會 《6/ 7提示》音樂專輯現為歌曲《國度》收集笑臉VIDEO用來 製作宣傳片;如果你有一張令人開懷的笑臉,不論男女老幼 ,請即用你的手機或WEBCAM拍下你的動人笑臉UPL OAD上來給我們,好讓快樂延續~!!!*** 4月15日截止 *** 賽果於4月29日公佈 *** 大獎將於發佈會當日頒發 參賽方法:﹣參加者需進入《6/7提示》專頁( https://www.facebook.com/ 67hints),按LIKE成為《6/ 7提示》FANS,沒有成為專頁FANS的作品不會納入計 算作品哦!- 於本活動專頁 ( https://www.facebook.com/events/268282779922363/)上載相片,數量不限 請即進入 Read more
《6/7提示》音樂專輯現正招募演員~! 這是一張給人類帶來提示的音樂專輯,碟內歌曲分別帶出了大自然、戰爭、天災、環保、末日、不公平等各項問題。
謝謝大家 《6/7提示》Facebook Pagehttps://www.facebook.com/pages/67%E6%8F%90%E7%A4%BA/122443537832480
An English learning educational series is currently seeking the below casts, except for two roles we require native English speakers acting in English, all other roles will mainly be acting in Cantonese, but occasionally in English. SHOOT DAY - Tentatively set for December OR January for around a weekLOCATION - Macau Main Characters JN / M / Poor English / Chinese / 20 something / Stupid looking / around 7 days shoot Fiona / F...Read more
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QVzQv5ZAMts
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vlQPP0YyYxo Let's look at my produced online entertainment series MACAU NOW to check out what's happening in Macau!
In this episode:Asia’s First Madonna Exhibition ‘Simply Madonna at City of Dreams 2011’ now on display at City of Dreams. Sammi is going to host her world tour concert in Macau on the 9-10th July. The current exhibition “A City Tour: Children’s Art Exhibition” at the Macau Museum of Art showcases ab...Read more
There is no right or wrong in my world, I never regret. The so-called wrong of this world gives me memorable experiences and valuable understandings, that bring