Official Artist
Sio Ng
Director , Graphic Designer , Photographer
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Super Inspiring MV!!!

Bloc Party "Signs"

Bloc Party "Signs" (AVH Remix) from hmurai on Vimeo.

about 15 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

FAV5 of da wk

My FAV 5 OF DA WK!!! (5 OCT)

My FAV TV Spot (TVC)Title: Zingolo - Client: Cadbury (UK)Yes this TV spot is just like a MV and its very long too, but its great~My FAV MVTitle: Pussy - Band: Rammstein (Germany)Porno MV from hardcore German band! So bold and hardcore! I love their GUTS!!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bNURXXkps8(I cant embed here cos it is PORNO!!!)Read more

about 15 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares

Band Never Die!!!!!

HUSH 2009 was SO SO SO FUCKING great and I cant stop myself editing and uploading the footage for you to check once I got home yeah!!!

Thank you to my students (or they should thank me lol) for letting “us” to leave early to enjoy the finale of this great band show!!!

HUSH is a prestigious band show in the region which was already held for a couple of years and its getting better and better rocker and rocker year after year!!!

The finale I watched inc my favorite rapper MC Jin + homie Soler and Jun Kun + guest Tere...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


今天終於去了買2張本地澳門新碟! 就是刃記的《自我年代》及EVADE的同名專輯! 刃記的是ROCK, EVADE的是ELECTRO, 兩張都正! 兩張都不能錯過呀~不想講太多,因我不懂樂評,你們有空去買張聽聽吧~這裡送上刃記的《打BAND仔》MV你們欣賞 :)刃記音樂 http://www.reverbnation.com/blademarkEvade Music www.myspace.com/evademacau

over 15 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares

Does God Exist?

This TVC gives us a lot of room ponder about life.

over 15 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares

Inside Out landing finally TAIWAN!!!


Out finally landed at TW Elite Bookshop!!! Finally tackled all Chinese speaking countries in Asia! (Macau+CN+HK+TW+SQ+MALAY!!!) Thanks to every single one who ha ...d helped in the overseas distribution of Inside Out!!! esp. those who who I never met in real but only met online! Thanks for your sincere support in Macau creatives!!!

回問終於登錄台灣於誠品上架!!! YEA!!! 終於2岸4地加星馬!!! 多謝每一位幫過回問發行的海外朋友! 由其是那些未見過面但勁撐回問的知音人!!!

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over 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Scooter Sio

I pass the 50cc scooter test today! yea!

I was so lack of confidence this morning cos I been so crap not able to do drive properly, but hey, I was so lucky and I PASSED! But it was so sosososososo hot that I got burnt on my face and my arms!

over 15 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares


Below is the promo vid of the launching of the new Rock album from Macau band Blademark!

Blademark is a very popular and powerful band in town and if you were coming to HUSH rock festival end of this month then you must listen to their power!

over 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

No.6 Have Guts

The below MV is the campaign from "Civil Observation", one of the Macau Legislative Election group that I support, and the voting date will be on 20 Sept.

over 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares



十年前,一個人,在倫敦的一個橋底,零晨三四點,迷迷糊 糊,彷彷彿彿,哼出了這首歌給自己。

十年間,偶也幻想有天會找個人唱,把它做出來。但大部份 時候,我都不想把它記起,就算記起了也叫自己別唱出口。因為我不喜歡回憶過去回看自己。

不過我很幸運,十年後的今天,John Choi給《這樣下去》編了兩個版,一曲兩詞,讓我分別 記錄了我自己十年前後對人生對愛情的看法及改變。十年前的《這樣下去》Acoustic版由陳佳主唱,而十年後的《這樣下去》Rock版由阿Yan主唱。

陳佳唱的《這樣下去》Acoustic版,歌 聲正是我十年前的感覺,很蒼涼,失戀的人聽了定會哭(陳佳真的很棒!)。而Yan的《這樣下去》Rock版就是我現在的自己,就是什麼都不怕,繼續前行。(Yan要再努力唱好些!)

很難想像,一個創作,會經歷十年,剛好十年。感覺很遠又 很近,很熟悉又很陌生。就好像十年前你愛過的一個人,失蹤了,突然回來,站在你面前,跟你說,我們不是約好了的嗎? 十年後見。

原來十年間,我都沒有遺失過自我,原來我從來都是,這樣 ...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


There is no right or wrong in my world, I never regret. The so-called wrong of this world gives me memorable experiences and valuable understandings, that bring

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english, cantonese, mandarin
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Member Since
March 31, 2009