When you sleep on your jowls all day and they get moulded a particular way #badjowlday #firstworldproblems
So Chinese illiterate, that when @hannahlown and I go to the print shop and are asked to resize the logo, we end up changing their desktop background ... #freeAdvertising #dumborsmart ? ( #smart )
Sister business meet with @hannahlown over breakfast... Kardashian style #lowndashian #lownasian #Lardassian #lownian #iveforgottenwhatimdoingthisfor
Launch date has just been announced on the CoLab page, AND we are very proud to be sponsoring The Innovation this year ! It's going to be a fantastic night for a great cause and you could get your hands on one of these sexy T's in plain / personalised with "cast" or "crew" on the back. If you would like one of these T's hit me up x