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EXCLUSIVE: "Bodyguards and Assassins" Trailer|獨家:

Bodyguards and Assassins (十月围城)

Directed by: Teddy Chen

Starring: Donnie Yen, Leon Lai, Nicholas Tse, Tony Leung Ka-Fai, Hu Jun, Li Yuchun, Eric Tsang, Fan Bingbing, Zhou Yun, Mengke Bateer, Michelle Reis, Philip Ng, and Wang Po-Chieh

In theatres: December 18, 2009 |


導演: 陳德森

主演: 甄子丹,王學圻,胡軍, 謝霆鋒,黎明,李宇春,梁家輝,范冰冰,周韻,曾志偉,任達華,王柏傑, 伍允龍,巴特爾

上映日期: 12月18日 |

十月围城 (十月围城)

导演: 陈德森

主演: 甄子丹,王学圻,胡军, 谢霆锋, 黎明,李宇春,梁家辉,范冰冰,周韵,曾志伟,任达华,王柏杰, 伍允龙,巴特尔

上映日期: 12月18日

大约 15 年 前 0 赞s  85 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
thanks for sharing this teddy!
大约 15 年 ago
Photo 43244
teddy! looking good...and EXPLOSIVE!!! hahaha
大约 15 年 ago
Photo 337367
CONGRATULATION!!!! FINALLY!!!! I still remember working out this movie's script with you and ah Kim many years ago!!! FINALLY!!! Can't wait to watch it on the big screen!!
大约 15 年 ago
Photo 446869
OMG thx for sharing! I'm looking forward to it!
大约 15 年 ago
Chungtsang 5b chungtsang
Wow, looks great. Good action and the actors looks so intense in those scenes too. Congrats.
大约 15 年 ago
Photo 23329
very nice ... looking forward to this movie .... good job teddy , hope u remember who i am .
大约 15 年 ago
Photo 56846
great! i am curious ;)
大约 15 年 ago
Photo 70570
nothing like a great action film from HK to spice up the industry. More kickass action from Donnie! December can't come fast enough.
大约 15 年 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
its back!
大约 15 年 ago
Photo 246443
有關這所有的一切都可稱之為:不朽的傳奇! ⋯⋯⋯⋯ 保重
大约 15 年 ago
Photo 453287
很棒! 期待影片的公映!
大约 15 年 ago
Photo 120867
i just watched the bodyguards and assassins this evening and i believe this movie belongs to the "great movie of all time".
接近 15 年 ago
Photo 54983
14 年多 ago



Hong Kong
May 30, 2008