Official Artist
Terry Chen
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Don't tell @RachelNichols1 it's a private party. #Continuum

about 9 years ago 5 likes  0 comment  0 shares

RT @BulliesKeepOut: #WeWillNeverForget #NeverForget #NYC #911 TY To all the heroes & prayers & thoughts to lives lost ??. #NYPD #FDNY http:…

about 9 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  6 shares

Crazy @CameronCrowe https://t.co/PKEqNbLXY1

about 9 years ago 3 likes  0 comment  1 share

I'll be live tweeting tomorrow nite for the U.S. premier of season 4 @ContinuumSeries. Join me. https://t.co/9CNmzooH8e

about 9 years ago 10 likes  0 comment  8 shares

This heat wave in LA makes me wanna hang out in the fridge. But what colours the other night. #nofilter http://t.co/19KT7xIEM7

about 9 years ago 6 likes  0 comment  0 shares

What can I say? Sometimes fun is the name of the game lol. https://t.co/hJfLgTpjKc

about 9 years ago 1 like  0 comment  1 share

Well I guess you are too Miss T House. Hope you're good. https://t.co/Kly2ph2ci2

about 9 years ago 1 like  0 comment  0 shares

Just the best. Love you. Miss that face. No joke. https://t.co/AEo0QyxPM5

about 9 years ago 2 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Thanks for watching Patricia. https://t.co/oKfMSxxBmq

about 9 years ago 1 like  0 comment  0 shares

Arrrg (pirate style) https://t.co/o5H3nbehWW

about 9 years ago 3 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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Los Angeles, United States
Member Since
June 9, 2008