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wong vanessa
Singer , Make Up Artist (MUA)
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Sleepless' new song, dedicate to

四川 :

你不需怕  http://www.aboutabby.com/Music/dunfear.mp3你不需怕

作編曲: Derek Pang

填詞: Ken Tam, Gary Choy & Vanessa Wong多少失去 誰料到

地震摧毀一切 未能回家

伴你一起走過 共同度齊心協力

跟你在旁 你不需怕望見這校園 傾倒一瞬間

奪去了家園 壓著愁與夢

身邊誰猜到 天會傷害人

無辜 一再發生就算心未平 關心這個家

就算血不同 有著情與共

艱苦同分擔 手挽手盡熱誠

齊齊共努力多少失去 誰料到

地震摧...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


Dear friends,hi hi~! i have just finished my homework... i feel soooo tired now , but i still have to type this entry when I'm free~~ Recently Sleepless wrote a song for 四川  ~ I want to tell you the song name now but I can't type chinese from my computer! I will upload the song as soon as possible ! The melody is written by Derek and the lyrics are written by Ken, cowritten by Gary and I ~ the mp3 will be broad...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


Event: Vanessa (vocal) x Derek (piano) @ backstage

Date: June 25th, 2008

Time: 10-11pm

Venue: Backstage Restaurant ( 1/F 52-54 Wellington Street, Central)

Event: "音樂起義"

Date: June 4th, 2008

Time: 12:00-12:45pm

Venue: Tsim Sha Tsui M1 Bar

( http://www.m1bar.com/flash/page1.htm )

over 16 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

My first official pop song

  ji不眠樂團的原創歌曲 - <<傘子>> 收錄在關心妍最新大碟 <<最愛,Jade i >> :呢首歌對我來講好有意義﹐因為每一句都好代表到我既心境~ 歌詞未必會引起好多人既共鳴﹐因為歌詞唔係大路﹐但係我好滿意ne ! 希望真係喜歡呢隻歌既人會喜歡D詞啦!  我好少寫詞﹐因為Gary先可以幫我將D字表達得更文雅﹐多謝你呢!   呢隻亦係我寫既第一首official流行曲~!  希望你地感受到我既喜悅啦! Jade 的 Blog 分享錄&l...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


Have you donated? If you haven't, plsssssss donate!  There are many ways you can donate.  Don't give excuses la... don't say that you'll do that later...i'm sure that even a small amount of money can help the others, 集腋成裘!!http://www.redcross.org.hk/home.cfm?Mid=2292&FMid=538&popup=0&langid=2

over 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Pop + 原創歌表演

Pop + 原創歌表演

May 1, 2008 5:45-6:45pm


over 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


Sleepless Mini-concert

June 25th, 2008


Venue: To be announced

Pop + 原創歌表演

June 4th, 2008

10-2pm To be confirmed

Venue: Tsim Sha Tsui (to be announced)

Pop + 原創歌表演

May 4, 2008



Pop + 原創歌表演

May 3, 2008

6:30 - 7:30pm MK-1數碼超級廣場

Pop + 原創歌表演

May 1, 2008 5:45-6:45pm



May 5th, 2008

8:00-8:30pm (changed) Venue: Back Stage ( Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

不眠不休 at MK1

Ken says:Sleepless 仍然在7:00鐘,於MK1表演呢由紅雨唱到黑雨.............死未................哈,Sleepless 唔單止不眠,仲不休.....................Show後去Hot Pot餓狗搶屎.......................影左D惡攪相  不眠樂團在3號風球及黑雨警報下表演十多首歌,成功為《第三世界茂利人大兒童音樂奧委復康人權前線協會》籌到達七百...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


 abby @ Backstage開咪大典

May 5th, 2008

8:00-8:30pm (updated) Venue: Central - Backstage Restaurant ( http://www.backstagelive.hk/)

Fee: $90 per person include two drinks & dinnerof course Sleepless is going to be there!!  I love Sleepless!!

over 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

'chai yo'

HAHAHAHA THIS SONG IS SO FUNNYhttp://www.51wma.com/sort/116359986.htmlmy brother was singing this song to me for many times but I have never heard of it. He kept demonstrating and I thought he was exageratting, but I found out that he sings 100% same as Hacken!!! CHAIIIIII~~~ AH CHAI CHAI CHAIIIII~~~~~~~~~~~~ whenever i listen to it now, I'll think of my brother's voice, HAHHAHAA HELLPPPP ~~ maybe you won't think it's funny until you listen to ...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


hello everyone! welcome to my blog! You can visit http://www.aboutabby.com for my performing schedule, photos, and music!! P.S. I might miss some of your

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english, cantonese, mandarin, japanese, korean
Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
April 5, 2008