Official Artist
Wayne Chang
Actor , Casting Director
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Another Tanky

Just got back from a Commercial Audition.

And yeah, also in Mandarin Chinese.

I bombed it.

Totally bombed it.

For the first time in my acting life, I have never had a Casting Director asking me to do a scene 3 times... He didn't like the first take, and then the second, and then the third.

Even worst... At the end of the reading, they need to take some headshots of me...

"Wayne, act surprised."

So I did. And the photographer said.."That's totally fake. Do it again!&q...Read more

over 18 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Another Tanky

Just got back from a Commercial Audition.

And yeah, also in Mandarin Chinese.

I bombed it.

Totally bombed it.

For the first time in my acting life, I have never had a Casting Director asking me to do a scene 3 times... He didn't like the first take, and then the second, and then the third.

Even worst... At the end of the reading, they need to take some headshots of me...

"Wayne, act surprised."

So I did. And the photographer said.."That's totally fake. Do it again!&q...Read more

over 18 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Another Tanky

over 18 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

The SUCKY Feeling

I'm sure this have happened to many actors and models.

The feeling of "SUCKY" after an unsuccessful audition.

Or rather, after an audition, you realized that there are so many other approaches that you could do to make the scene (audition) work.

Yesterday, I went and auditioned for the short film "Red Shoes" - Directed by the talented Li-Anne Huang. (You can check out the two trailers that she has on her website.) After viewing the...Read more

over 18 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

The SUCKY Feeling

I'm sure this have happened to many actors and models.

The feeling of "SUCKY" after an unsuccessful audition.

Or rather, after an audition, you realized that there are so many other approaches that you could do to make the scene (audition) work.

Yesterday, I went and auditioned for the short film "Red Shoes" - Directed by the talented Li-Anne Huang. (You can check out the two trailers that she has on her website.) After viewing the...Read more

over 18 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

The SUCKY Feeling

over 18 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Looking Ahead...

It turned out that I didn't get to work on Turn the River last week.

But I did work on Shanghai Hotel - I even took a day off work to be on the set.

But who knew. It commute was pretty bad - consider that I didn't know the [G] train does run locally during the day. So I was waiting like a fool for... a l o n g time.

It didn't click until I look twice at the dash-green lines on the map.

I call the production as soon as possible, letting them know that I will be late.... Then I hopped onto the next W...Read more

over 18 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Looking Ahead...

It turned out that I didn't get to work on Turn the River last week.

But I did work on Shanghai Hotel - I even took a day off work to be on the set.

But who knew. It commute was pretty bad - consider that I didn't know the [G] train does run locally during the day. So I was waiting like a fool for... a l o n g time.

It didn't click until I look twice at the dash-green lines on the map.

I call the production as soon as possible, letting them know that I will be late.... Then I hopped onto the next W...Read more

over 18 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Looking Ahead...

over 18 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

The Robot Goes Here

Wrapped the filming of " What All The Screaming's About" Music Video this past weekend. Over all, I had a really good time.

The actors were great. Very friendly and fun to chat with. The musician was nothing what I expected him to be. During my audition, I was told that the musican is an actual scientist, who does music on the side. I kept on imagine this musican to be an Ultra Nerd. Like how...Read more

over 18 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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Languages Spoken
english, mandarin
Location (City, Country)
New York City, United States
Member Since
September 11, 2007