Yves Wong
演员, 主持人, 模特儿
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havent touched here so long long long long time , sorry everybody ~ been really busy lately ,,well yesterday , i went work at SZ for my biggest boss , CETV 6th anniversary ~it was really nice , and so many newspaper report it today , luckily i met two people there , first , PATRICK ~~~~  So surprised to see u there ~~~~ long time no see patrick ~~ les meet more and try to work more in the future~~secondly , Angelababy ~~~ wow such a beautfiul girl~~ so hot  heres the pic from hongkong newspaper ~~Enjoy~Read more

14 年多 前 0 赞s  1 评论  0 shares

life like this

Event 55

my best bro , Oscar C

My SZ studio , and my beloved partner , BinBin

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接近 15 年 前 0 赞s  2 评论s  0 shares

pictures tell

its been a long time since i last touched here , sorry everyone , real busy lately ,,,,,,,

I am lucky that I have been choosing for

  1. A new Movie (我的野蠻女友2)

  2. A host of 娛樂台勢力  http://cetv.com/v/cetv-video-3607.html  

  3. A host of 樂活時尚坊

Please keep supporting me on CETV , http://cetv.com

here you are my recent snapsssssss


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接近 15 年 前 0 赞s  7 评论s  0 shares

Todays news




他們到專賣性感服飾的外國品牌Arrogant Cat入貨,「六呎潘瑋柏」更充當形象指導提供意見。Zoey甫入內即脫去皮褸,脫剩低胸吊帶背心的她更化身「芭比」,讓男方為她裝身。雖然「六呎潘瑋柏」的手不經意間輕撫其腰肢,但 ...Zoey並不介意,更讓他伸手到其胸前拉低Tube Top,將B Cup身材「升呢」為C Cup,對「升胸」過程相當滿意的Zoey,還「嘟」起朱唇要求對方為她拍下「偉大」一刻,認真開放!


其後,Zoey獨自試衫,天生一副戰鬥格的她,試盡店內最性感的衣服,除了各式各樣的Top外,還穿上一襲大露背裝,令「六呎潘瑋柏」眼甘甘(目及)實。Zoey揀鞋時,「六...Read more

大约 15 年 前 0 赞s  2 评论s  0 shares

Pics tell

These picz tell u where have i been these days

my bday party ~ over 40 people ,, chiseen

My lil Zoey

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大约 15 年 前 0 赞s  10 评论s  0 shares

News on magazine

A funny news , i think there're alot of friends kno Zoe and I are 7-8 years old friend

When am i becoming her boyfriend?? its funny indeed ~

but thanks those reporters for giving my a two pages news ,

got a little fame indeed ~ lol~~

enjoy ~~~


What a big artical ~

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15 年多 前 0 赞s  3 评论s  0 shares

Liz and I

Liz , My best friend

Yves , Liz's best friend


15 年多 前 0 赞s  3 评论s  0 shares

Hey all

Didnt touch for ages ,,, sorry to you guys

same as my style

pictures tell

Jan Lamb talk show , nice gags indeed~~

Friend's gathering at a live band bar ,, love there~

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15 年多 前 0 赞s  6 评论s  0 shares

Making of....

A hot day ,

Flimming under the sun ,

was acting a Mafia in the last movie

World is changed ,

acting as a cop in this movie

Guns are real , bullets are real either ,

never excepted that i could hold a gun in my life time

cool ~~~

As a privacy

Can't tell the name of this movie til the film release

hope I could act more different roles in the coming movies

I love being an actor so much

and learnt so much from director , movement instructors and...Read more

15 年多 前 0 赞s  1 评论  0 shares

Aug 25 , 09

David Tao , Hin Cheung , Kay Tsz and Wang Xiao ming


Plantium Super stars night at HKCEC

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15 年多 前 0 赞s  2 评论s  0 shares


TV host at CETV


english, cantonese, mandarin
Hong Kong
December 17, 2007