Official Artist
Lun Wong
Comic Creator / Cartoonist , Graphic Designer , Illustrator
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An Overdue Thankyou.

Yo. This is gonna be a massive long post - you have been warned...I just want to say thanks to everyone who attended the exhibition last week. It was a great success. We raised just over $30,000 for charity and everyone seemed to have a good time. I'm not one for speeches and I think that showed. Only a couple of minor glitches throughout the evening but other than that it was pretty cool.I just want to shout out to all the sponsors for the evening;  The Philip George Salon, Tap That Marketing & Events,  Igor's Group, Snow Queen Vodka, Framingham Wines, Cliche Photography,  M1NT and  Miss Nova China (Rachel), Aurora and all her performers. Also a shout out to  Alive Not Dead for attending on behalf or bidders and for the online support through out the whole time. Finally got to meet the boys   and   which was good as it was a long time coming. A thanks to  The Darkside for the online support over the last month - I look forward to our future collaboration!. Couldn't have done it without you guys!!!Also a massive thanks to everyone who turned up. Sorry I couldn't talk to you all it was all so frantic, - you know how it is! A very very special thanks to Philip George who funded the whole event and is the don!    at Cliche Photography and my dai gor   ( www.hungchi.co.uk)for the amazing photos you guys took of the event!To see all the pics, check out the  1kstyles facebook page.One last special mention to sponsor -  BROUHAHA MAGAZINE who released there first preview issue at the exhibition. I am happy to say I am part of this team and that the our first full issue will be out in  January 2010. We have 3 preview magazines before then and  Preview Issue no.2 will be released at the  Glockenflap Festival at Cyberport this weekend so make sure you get one!! You can also read it online at our websitewww.brouhaha.com.hk  and look out for  issue 3 this December!Apart from that I have been super busy catching up with various projects since the exhibition took place.Here's looking to the next few months of working my ass off.I have also booked my ticket home to the UK for Christmas. Three long overdue weeks back in London Town!!I'll leave you with some more pics of the event.Cheers!L

over 15 years ago 0 likes  15 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
glad you don't have any pics of me bidding! :-D
over 15 years ago
Photo 62509
there should be one of you and mr lee in the photo section? if you have any images send em over ill post em up mate. do you like work 24/7??? kerrraaazy hehe
over 15 years ago
paintings look wicked-nice!
over 15 years ago
Photo 214991
Congrats on your exhibition!!! Looks great! Sorry couldn't make it, but hope to catch up at some point!? Oh and well done on raising the $$$ nice one mate ;)
over 15 years ago
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Nice!! I want the Storm Trooper one.
over 15 years ago
Photo 248210
Congrats on the show!
over 15 years ago
Photo 472756
Amazing work mate!! Big yourself up! From a fellow south Londoner! Phat
over 15 years ago
Photo 415909
Keep the nice work up! :) keep going!
over 15 years ago
Photo 51946
wooow.... amazing!
over 15 years ago
Photo 51946
about 15 years ago


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