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24 Herbs
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24 Herbs Music Video | 24 Herbs拍攝MV

Just want to let you guys know, we are shooting our MV tonight at Yumla from 6:30pm onwards. All welcome to come support. Please wear only black if you plan to come.

Free beers till 9pm. CHEERS !! Our director is none other than Alex Smith, who is also on AND as an artist. He has shot videos for Cold Play, some 6 videos for The Darkness, Juliette Lewis, Manic Street Preachers, amongst others. He is also a commercial director and works for RSA Films, Ridley Scott's film company. Check out his work below. He rocks !!!


|  想告訴大家,今晚6:30開始我們會在Yumla拍攝MV,歡迎你們參與。請穿黑色衣服前往。


MV導演是同為AnD藝術家的Alex Smith,他為Coldplay拍過MV,還拍了The Darkness的6支MV以及Juliette Lewis、Manic Street Preachers等其他作品。他還是商業廣告片的導演,為RSA、Ridley Scott電影公司工作。通過底下鏈接欣賞他的作品,很厲害!!http://www.alivenotdead.com/37076

| 想告诉大家,今晚6:30开始我们会在Yumla拍摄MV,欢迎你们参与。请穿黑色衣服前往。免费提供啤酒到9pm,祝各位开心!!

MV导演是同为AnD艺术家的Alex Smith,他为Coldplay拍过MV,还拍了The Darkness的6支MV以及Juliette Lewis、Manic Street Preachers等其他作品。他还是商业广告片的导演,为RSA、Ridley Scott电影公司工作。通过底下链接欣赏他的作品,很厉害!!http://www.alivenotdead.com/37076

over 17 years ago 0 likes  8 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
i'm there. i got my 24 t-shirt on today. ;-)
over 17 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
dude! its 1145 and we're still going! if i hear 'pok gai' one more time i am going to strangle someone! ;-)
over 17 years ago


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