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24 Herbs
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24Herbs @ Sammi's Music Video Shoot "罪與罰"|24herbs客串鄭秀文Music Video“罪與罰”|24herbs客串郑秀文Music Video“罪与罚”

Yesterday we went to Shek O to shoot the music video "罪與罰".We shot both the English and Cantonese version. Apparently, this is Sammi's first English song so, we're blessed to be part of it. The MV was directed by Kong Sing from Taiwan. Great director who's work always comes out lookin' amazing. Beautiful day by the sea, everything went really smooth. Should be in your TV sets very soon. We'll keep y'all posted. Thanks to all the crew, Kong Sing, Revolution, East Asia and of course Sammi! MV Director "Kong Sing"Rockin' it. Yeh Sammi!! |
昨天我們去石澳拍攝“罪與罰”的MV,英文版和粵語版都有拍,這是鄭秀文的首支英文歌,我們很有幸參與其中啊,這支MV是由臺灣來的鄺勝指導的,他是個拍了很多很棒作品的大導演。海邊時光,美好異常,大家很快就會看到了,到時我們會通知你們的,感謝所有同仁,鄺勝,Revolution,East Asia,當然少不了Sammi![](/attachments/2009/10/23/00/62_200910230051171.thumb.jpg)MV 導演鄺勝真棒啊,Sammi!! | 昨天我们去石澳拍摄“罪与罚”的MV,英文版和粤语版都有拍,这是郑秀文的首支英文歌,我们很有幸参与其中啊,这支MV是由台湾来的邝胜指导的,他是个拍了很多很棒作品的大导演。海边时光,美好异常,大家很快就会看到了,到时我们会通知你们的,感谢所有同仁,邝胜,Revolution,East Asia,当然少不了Sammi![](/attachments/2009/10/23/00/62_200910230051171.thumb.jpg)MV 导演邝胜真棒啊,Sammi!!

about 15 years ago 0 likes  15 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
sammi rocks. can't wait to see 24Herbs singing romantically in the surf...
about 15 years ago
Photo 33405
that's awesome, guys! looking forward to seeing the MV~
about 15 years ago
Photo 359293
it was great to be working with u guys on the mv! hope to be doing so again soon!
about 15 years ago


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