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24Herbs Part 2 "Respect"|24Herbs 第二部分“Respect”|24Herbs 第二部分“Respect”

Competition has been fierce and full of passion for sure! Votes for 24Herbs since yesterday have been climbing, last count was 108. Thanks to everyone who's voted for us! Really appreciate and grateful for the support you've shown! The contest ends in Aug 9th so, keep them coming! Vote for artist 24Herbs:http://www.alivenotdead.com/linkinparkcontest#video_8One of our favorite and u guys favorite song was Respect Tou PK. Our hypeman and the dude that came up with the hook...Sir JBS! JBS got lots of local slangs and even his own catch phrases "Brian-isms". We were at the studio and JBS wanted to do a song about Respect and hence "Respect Tou PK". DorYuk had a beat and the two fit perfectly. We all felt this was fresh and new and really feeling it. The MV was directed by Alex Smith from RSA Films. A friend of Drunk's, Alex was in town for a few days. He was interested in helping with an MV...so why not "Respect Tou PK?" Dope! It was a huge camera and shot on film. Location Yumla. Also, we called all our peeps to come down and help as it was a kinda party scene feel. The AnD crew were in the house and this MV got loads of cameos, take your time to pick them out! haha--you probably are in it! Lots of fun, lots of drinking! Respect Tou PK! Also, everyone that came to the MV shoot--really appreciate the love!Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZlAjnNR5DUFast forward a few months. The radio needed a plug song from us. The words "PK" are considered Cantonese swear words so, even if our meaning was positive, it couldn't be played. So we decided to give the people what they want "Respect Jou OK". With a radio song, it went on to do a lot of things. We ended up getting an award for it at Clik Chart Music Awards show and performed it January 1st 2009.  Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPfYju4GT0sThe song went everywhere in Hong Kong. Check out FBI's cover version, dope fellaz!Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WFfSNftqN4Cool, enjoy! See u next episode. Until then go to the link and vote for your favorite band! peacehttp://www.alivenotdead.com/linkinparkcontest#video_8 | 比賽必定是激烈和充滿激情的,從昨天以來24Herbs的票數一直在的攀升,上次的統計是108票。謝謝每個投我們票的朋友,真的感謝大家給予的支持。比賽將在八月九號結束,所以,繼續加油啊!投24Herbs啊:< /span>http://www.alivenotdead.com/linkinparkcontest#video_8Respect Tou PK是我們和你們大家最愛的一首歌,擔任我們的hypeman和the dude的Sir JBS想出了這個歌的創意,JBS知道很多本地俚語,甚至包括他自己的口頭禪“Brian-isms"。那天我們在工作室,JBS想做一首有關 Respect的歌曲,因此就有了”Respect Tou PK“。DorYuk做的節奏和歌詞結合的很完美。我們都覺得這歌很新鮮時尚,很有感覺。

   MV是由Drunk的一個來自RSA Films的朋友Alex Smith指導的,他在本地待了一段時間,很樂於幫忙制作MV,所以就做了“Respect Tou PK”,真棒啊!影片拍攝時的場面很壯觀,Yumia做的外景。另外,我們叫來了所有朋友幫忙以便營造出有幾分party場景的感覺。AnD團隊也到場助陣,這支MV在視頻列表裏有,麻煩你們找找啊,哈哈,你一定正在看吧,很有趣,很盡興,Respect Tou PK!另外,真得感謝所有到MV拍攝現場的朋友們的厚愛。< /span> Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZlAjnNR5DU幾個月後,電臺要推薦一首我們的歌曲。盡管我們是想要表達正面的意思,但是“PK”這個詞還是被認為是粵語中的臟話,,所以沒能播出。因此我們決定給大家想要的“Respect Tou OK”。借由這首電臺歌曲,我們做到了很多事。最終我們因為這支歌獲得了“叱咤音樂獎”的一個獎項,並且在2009年元旦那天的頒獎禮上做了表演。 Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPfYju4GT0s   這首歌傳遍了香港的大街小巷,請看FBI封面版。很棒啊!< /span>Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WFfSNftqN4Cool,盡情享受吧!下節見啊,在那之前快去以下鏈接為你們最愛的樂團投票吧!peace[http://www.alivenotdead.com/linkinparkcontest#video_8](http://www.alivenotdead.com/linkinparkcontest#video_8) | 比赛必定是激烈和充满激情的,从昨天以来24Herbs的票数一直在的攀升,上次的统计是108票。谢谢每个投我们票的朋友,真的感谢大家给予的支持。比赛将在八月九号结束,所以,继续加油啊!投24Herbs啊:< /span>http://www.alivenotdead.com/linkinparkcontest#video_8Respect Tou PK是我们和你们大家最爱的一首歌,担任我们的hypeman和the dude的Sir JBS想出了这个歌的创意,JBS知道很多本地俚语,甚至包括他自己的口头禅“Brian-isms"。那天我们在工作室,JBS想做一首有关 Respect的歌曲,因此就有了”Respect Tou PK“。DorYuk做的节奏和歌词结合的很完美。我们都觉得这歌很新鲜时尚,很有感觉。

   MV是由Drunk的一个来自RSA Films的朋友Alex Smith指导的,他在本地待了一段时间,很乐于帮忙制作MV,所以就做了“Respect Tou PK”,真棒啊!影片拍摄时的场面很壮观,Yumia做的外景。另外,我们叫来了所有朋友帮忙以便营造出有几分party场景的感觉。AnD团队也到场助阵,这支MV在视频列表里有,麻烦你们找找啊,哈哈,你一定正在看吧,很有趣,很尽兴,Respect Tou PK!另外,真得感谢所有到MV拍摄现场的朋友们的厚爱。< /span> Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZlAjnNR5DU几个月后,电台要推荐一首我们的歌曲。尽管我们是想要表达正面的意思,但是“PK”这个词还是被认为是粤语中的脏话,,所以没能播出。因此我们决定给大家想要的“Respect Tou OK”。借由这首电台歌曲,我们做到了很多事。最终我们因为这支歌获得了“叱吒音乐奖”的一个奖项,并且在2009年元旦那天的颁奖礼上做了表演。 Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPfYju4GT0s   这首歌传遍了香港的大街小巷,请看FBI封面版。很棒啊!Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WFfSNftqN4Cool,尽情享受吧!下节见啊,在那之前快去以下链接为你们最爱的乐团投票吧!peace[http://www.alivenotdead.com/linkinparkcontest#video_8](http://www.alivenotdead.com/linkinparkcontest#video_8)

15 年多 前 0 赞s  5 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
that video was a lot of fun!
15 年多 ago



Hong Kong
April 10, 2007