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AND1 Charity Ball Game | AND1慈善籃球賽

We were asked to play a song at the AND1 charity ball game so naturally we obliged. Great game great course. Props to HK team for putting up a decent match with the pro street ballers. The most important part is that the game raised $80,000 which will be donated through HSBC to Redcross HK. HSBC has pledged to match that figure so the total will be some HK$160,000 which is not a bad effort for a night's work. Here is a short video of our performance and another one from So.u.tv for the game.

| 我們被邀請在AND1慈善籃球賽中唱一首歌。比賽很棒,相當精彩。香港職業球員同專業街頭隊員勢均力敵。最重要的是,比賽由匯豐銀行籌得了捐贈的$80,000給香港紅十字會。香港匯豐銀行籌集的善款總額約為$160,000港幣,這是當晚慈善活動的成功。請欣賞我們演出的小片段,另一段來自錄制比賽的So.u.tv。

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUGKfwQfXc4

Video: http://www.so-u.tv/playVideo.php?id=955

over 16 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares


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