The concert was good. It was a good crowd but a shame there weren't more people. After the concert we all took off to the after party at Mint. Major blinging place. It was totally packed, everyone was there. We partied till like 4am. If you read the SCMP, recently heard that their London branch closed down and they didn't inform the share holders. Doh...! Damn, I would be piss off too. Lucky we are not blingin enough to buy into a joint like that.
| 演唱會進行得很好。人群不錯,但不好意思,來的人不多。之後我們去Mint開慶祝Party,主要的blinging地,擠滿了人,大家都來了,我們玩到大約淩晨4點。如果你讀《南華早報》,最近讀到說他們的倫敦分部關張,卻沒有通知股東們。天哪..!我也會很失望。還好我們沒有那麽blingin到要買一間。