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Diesel "Respect" Party | Diesel "Respect"派对

We have been floating in a bed of love and support the whole day through all the dope feedback we got from last night. Thanks to all the AND boys, Fed and the Diesel crew, Wing and Shyalala crew, Dan and T for organizing the event. So great to see all the homies and familiar faces in the crowd shouting and having a good time. We even heard DJ GC Goo Bi and Fei Ma on the different radio stations giving us props. Fei Ma really stole the show last night, totally brought the house down with her amazing voice. She was in front of the stage for our whole set shaking her booty, amazing support ! Loving it... !

Check out a few pics from Annie's camera below.

And here is some video thanks xiaoka of  AND I think..

| 昨晚演出後,今天我們一直都在收獲著大家的愛和支持。感謝AnD團隊、Fed、Diesel工作人員、Wing、Shyalala工作人員、Dan和T組織了這場活動。很高興看到好朋友們和許多熟悉的面孔出現在人群中,大家一起叫喊,度過開心的時光。我們還聽到了DJ GC Goo Bi和肥媽在不同電臺支持我們。肥媽昨晚太棒了,她美妙的聲音贏得了滿堂彩!我們演出時她一直站在前排揮舞她的戰利品,給我們支持!愛你…!

以下是Annie拍攝的一些照片: 還要感謝AnD的xiaoka提供的視頻…[endif]

| 昨晚演出后,今天我们一直都在收获着大家的爱和支持。感谢AnD团队、Fed、Diesel工作人员、Wing、Shyalala工作人员、Dan和T组织了这场活动。很高兴看到好朋友们和许多熟悉的面孔出现在人群中,大家一起叫喊,度过开心的时光。我们还听到了DJ GC Goo Bi和肥妈在不同电台支持我们。肥妈昨晚太棒了,她美妙的声音赢得了满堂彩!我们演出时她一直站在前排挥舞她的战利品,给我们支持!爱你…!

以下是Annie拍摄的一些照片: 还要感谢AnD的xiaoka提供的视频…


[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]


大约 17 年 前 0 赞s  14 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
it was great. i'll be putting my video and pictures up tomorrow morning...
大约 17 年 ago
Photo 39462
wahhh absolutely on a high! let me tell you guys i just have 'superstaaaaaa' in my head all day! its what kept me goin today! thanks guys you absolutely rock!!!!!!!!!!! *x
大约 17 年 ago
Photo 33405
It was my first time seeing you guys perform... and it won't be the last for sure! :) Great job!
大约 17 年 ago
Photo 23009
respect 到PK~ Really good show! waiting for the really good pic!
大约 17 年 ago
Paulinec 1a img 1269
yup i know missed yet another party! sounded like it went down well...
大约 17 年 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
btw - Xiaoka = Etchy! :-D
大约 17 年 ago



Hong Kong
April 10, 2007