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East Asia Gig|東亞華星演唱會|东亚华星演唱会

We was happy to be part of the East Asia 5th Anniversary gig. Its not really like us to be in a very big Canto pop concert but it was fun. It was like a 4 hour event. We did the Roman Tam track with Fama and Charmaine and also did Respect Chou Ok as weren't allow to do Respect Tou Pok Guy... No swear for canto pop people I guess.  Some pre show ping pong. As always the 24Herbs rooms is where all the action is...Ivana and Andy Hui are amazing ping pong players. Show Time ![](/attachments/2008/12/62_2008121816205583.thumb.jpg)Dan and Lisa came to support. We had all the beer and whiskey so everyone came it...The post show party...Interviews and more pictures...Andy Lau, Sammi and Phat !! The other guy is Peter Lam, he owns East Asia.  | 很高興在華星五周年音樂會上演出,參與超大型粵語流行演唱會我們還真有點不習慣,不過很開心,就像參加一場歷時四小時的活動。我們和農夫、方皓玟一起表演了羅文的歌,還唱了"Respect Chou Ok",但沒唱成"Respect Tou Pok Guy"...粵語流行的歌迷可能不大適合聽,我想。

出場前打乒乓球。24Herbs到哪,哪就熱鬧... 王菀之和許誌安是都是乒乓好手Show Time ![](/attachments/2008/12/62_2008121816205583.thumb.jpg) Dan和Lisa前來捧場。我們帶了啤酒和威士忌,所以大家都來了... 慶功宴...采訪和更多照片...劉德華、鄭秀文,還有陳偉雄,另外那位是華星的老板林建嶽先生| 很高兴在华星五周年音乐会上演出,参与超大型粤语流行演唱会我们还真有点不习惯,不过很开心,就像参加一场历时四小时的活动。我们和农夫、方皓玟一起表演了罗文的歌,还唱了"Respect Chou Ok",但没唱成"Respect Tou Pok Guy"...粤语流行的歌迷可能不大适合听,我想。

出场前打乒乓球。24Herbs到哪,哪就热闹... 王菀之和许志安是都是乒乓好手Show Time ![](/attachments/2008/12/62_2008121816205583.thumb.jpg)Dan和Lisa前来捧场。我们带了啤酒和威士忌,所以大家都来了...庆功宴...采访和更多照片...刘德华、郑秀文,还有陈伟雄,另外那位是华星的老板林建岳先生

大约 16 年 前 0 赞s  12 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
great pics! ;-) the Ping Pong ones are the best..
大约 16 年 ago
Photo 49217
look so fun n look so cool yo!
大约 16 年 ago
Photo 320990
much respect!
大约 16 年 ago
Photo 33405
cool! looked like fun with the ping pong too~
大约 16 年 ago
OH ! I Miss!!
大约 16 年 ago



Hong Kong
April 10, 2007