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Linkin Park vs 24Herbs

Linkin Park & 24Herbs! Rockin' the party! THE 6 man band from the States...andThe 6 man band from your favorite city Hong Kong![](/attachments/2009/08/02/16/62_200908021611541.thumb.jpg)What our bands have in common is that there ain't no frontin', we play our songs, always aim to rock the place and good times with our peeps! Ain't that what being a band's about?Another thing we have in common are our fans. Linkin Park is a inspiration cause they really listen and communicate with their fans. They know that's what it's about. So, shout-out to all our friends and fans that have supported us since day one! You guys rock. We need u here to support! Thanks and bless!Pls participate in the alivenotdead.com Linkin Park Competition!Vote 24Herbs! Ya Sei, Ya Sei, Ya Sei Meihttp://www.alivenotdead.com/linkinparkcontestVideo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhJvCLtTH10Also, check out our new single coming next week: "Hu Ge" (raw footage from G-Shock Party)

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zNq7Uc7Q0YThanks to AnD for putting this competition together. Shout-out to all the artist/bands that have taken part-good luck! Shout-out and a big thanks in advance to our peoples! Of course, shout-out to Linkin Park! Let's get voting! peace & respect | Linkin Park 和24Herbs  震撼派對 ! 來自美國的六人樂團 和  來自你最喜愛的城市香港的六人樂團我們這兩個樂團相同之處就是都沒有先例,我們做自己的音樂,總是想要隨時隨地帶給我們的朋友們以震撼。這難道不是一個樂團所應該做的嗎? 另一個相同之處就是我們的歌迷了,Linkin Park如此之棒是因為他們真真正正傾聽和與歌迷進行交流,他們知道那才是對的。所以,我們對從成立的第一天開始就對支持我們的朋友和歌迷大聲喊話,大家都動起來吧,這裏需要你們的支持,感謝並祝福。請參加alivenotdead.com上的與Linkin Park的比賽。投24Herbs啊,二十四,二十四,二十四味!http://www.alivenotdead.com/linkinparkcontestVideo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhJvCLtTH10另外,請看我們下周將發行的單曲“Hu Ge” (原始片段來自G-Shock Party)Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zNq7Uc7Q0Y感謝alive組織這次的比賽,大聲祝福所有的藝術家和樂團好運氣,提前對我們的歌迷大聲說謝謝,當然,也 要說給Linkin Park。讓我們都去投票吧。peace&respect| Linkin Park 和24Herbs  震撼派对 ! 来自美国的六人乐团 和  来自你最喜爱的城市香港的六人乐团我们这两个乐团相同之处就是都没有先例,我们做自己的音乐,总是想要随时随地带给我们的朋友们以震撼。这难道不是一个乐团所应该做的吗? 另一个相同之处就是我们的歌迷了,Linkin Park如此之棒是因为他们真真正正倾听和与歌迷进行交流,他们知道那才是对的。所以,我们对从成立的第一天开始就对支持我们的朋友和歌迷大声喊话,大家都动起来吧,这里需要你们的支持,感谢并祝福。请参加alivenotdead.com上的与Linkin Park的比赛。投24Herbs啊,二十四,二十四,二十四味!http://www.alivenotdead.com/linkinparkcontestVideo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhJvCLtTH10另外,请看我们下周将发行的单曲“Hu Ge” (原始片段来自G-Shock Party)Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zNq7Uc7Q0Y感谢alive组织这次的比赛,大声祝福所有的艺术家和乐团好运气,提前对我们的歌迷大声说谢谢,当然,也 要说给Linkin Park。让我们都去投票吧。peace&respect

15 年多 前 0 赞s  7 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
Go 24! Thanks for participating! If you don't play you can't win. You guys are the real deal!
15 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
ps - that video rocks. you guys have to perform HU GE again soon...
15 年多 ago



Hong Kong
April 10, 2007