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24 Herbs
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Macau24.com Launch Party

Everyone has been really busy lately. JBS, Gee Styles, Phat and Kit and Conroy all had roles in a few films lately while Eddie has been busy scoring a film, his usual commercial work as well as trying to finish the new 24Herbs album. Phat has also been very busy with the launch his Tat Addicts book. Conroy just returned to HK from Shanghai shooting the second series of Johnny Walker TVC.  Anyhow, we had a lot of fun at the Macau24 launch party a little while back. It was our first gig in Macau. It was a long day for us as half the crew stayed while the other half went back to HK around 4am. Anyhow, we have lots of pictures one someone camera but we have not yet loaded them. Here are a few. They gave us  the rock star treatment and sent a stretched limo for us.... After sound check, we went for a quick bite. Conroy fending off the usual questions about Dr Ho etc...Andrew & Terence and a whole bunch of other friends came to support, damn, we need at least 2 stretched limos next time !!!  | 大家最近都很忙,JBS,Gee Styles,Phat,Kit和Conroy最近都在一些影片中有演出,而Eddie正忙於為一部影片配樂,這是他的平時工作,並且正盡力完成24Herbs的新專輯。Phat同時也忙於發行他的Tat Addicts的書。Conroy剛從上海拍攝完第二系列的Johnny Walker TVC返回香港。

  言歸正傳,前段時間我們在Macau24 Launch Party玩的很過癮,這是我們在澳門的第一次演出,對於我們來說這是悠長的一天,半數的成員待在澳門,而另一半的人在凌晨四點時回了香港。另外,我們拍了很多照片和一些視頻,不過還沒有傳上來。以下是部分。

我們受到了搖滾明星的禮遇,派了一輛加長版的豪華轎車來接我們 試音結束後,我們很快就出來了Conroy擋回了有關Dr Ho的一些慣常問題…連凱,尹子維和一整班其他朋友都來捧場,老天,下次我們需要至少兩輛加長轎車!!!| 大家最近都很忙,JBS,Gee Styles,Phat,Kit和Conroy最近都在一些影片中有演出,而Eddie正忙於为一部影片配乐,这是他的平时工作,并且正尽力完成 24Herbs的新专辑。Phat同时也忙於发行他的Tat Addicts的书。Conroy刚从上海拍摄完第二系列的Johnny Walker TVC返回香港。

  言归正传,前段时间我们在Macau24 Launch Party玩的很过瘾,这是我们在澳门的第一次演出,对於我们来说这是悠长的一天,半数的成员待在澳门,而另一半的人在凌晨四点时回了香港。另外,我们拍了很多照片和一些视频,不过还没有传上来。以下是部分。

我们受到了摇滚明星的礼遇,派了一辆加长版的豪华轿车来接我们 试音结束後,我们很快就出来了

& lt;div>Conroy挡回了有关Dr Ho的一些惯常问题…& lt;div>


over 15 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
the limo was nice!
over 15 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
it was a fun night! i posted some pics too. (but somehow my pics were mostly of the dancers, not as many of you guys!
over 15 years ago


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