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MOS & Lunar Singapore|新加坡MOS & Lunar|新加坡MOS & Lunar

We will be heading down to Singapore on Tuesday for a for 2 gigs. One is for a private party for Richard Mille which is a super bling watch maker. Apparently some of their watches sell for over HK$5 million. We are really hoping they will give us a watch each as a present but its probably unlikely ! They will be launching a new watch for one of the F1 drivers they sponsored so we hope to met some of those F1 guys. This party will be at the Ministry Of Sound (MOS) 23rd Sept, Singapore.

The second gig will be a the Club Lunar on the 24th which is apparently next to MOS also at Clarke Quay. That will be open to all who wants to come. We are looking forward going to Singapore.

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周二我們將前往新加坡做兩場演出,一個是世界頂級機械腕表品牌Richard Mille的私人party,這個品牌的表有的售價超過5百萬港幣。真希望他們能每人送塊表給我們作禮物,但沒什麼可能啦!他們這次是為贊助的一位F1車手發布一款新表,所以我們還有可能遇到一些F1賽車手。這個party將於9月23日在新加坡Ministry Of Sound (MOS)舉辦。


第二個演出是24日在MOS旁的Club Lunar舉行,也在Clarke Quay,大家都能來看。我們期待著去新加坡。

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周二我们将前往新加坡做两场演出,一个是世界顶级机械腕表品牌Richard Mille的私人party,这个品牌的表有的售价超过5百万港币。真希望他们能每人送块表给我们作礼物,但没什么可能啦!他们这次是为赞助的一位F1车手发布一款新表,所以我们还有可能遇到一些F1赛车手。这个party将于9月23日在新加坡Ministry Of Sound (MOS)举办。


第二个演出是24日在MOS旁的Club Lunar举行,也在Clarke Quay,大家都能来看。我们期待着去新加坡。

over 16 years ago 0 likes  10 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
maybe you can borrow some for the performance and forget to give them back after the show. ;-)
over 16 years ago
Photo 55174
over 16 years ago
Photo 55174
over 16 years ago
Photo 39462
Wow!!! Wish i could watch it!! I'll be thinking of you guys xox
over 16 years ago
Photo 38281
man rock it out! MOS is the shit =]
over 16 years ago


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